"See, Tom? At least Edd worries about me! Why don't you?" You said to Tom. Tom is clearly not amused and continued to eat.

"If you're waiting for me to care, get food and smirnoff, it's gonna be a long ass time." He said.
"Your neck alright? It has marks."

"What's this? Affection?"

"No. It's just that it's so noticeable. You sure it doesn't hurt much?"

"And you sure that a demon hasn't possessed you into caring?"

"You can't possess something twice. It's common logic."

"C'mooonnn! Just admit that you love meeee~! It isn't that hard! Look! You're actually caring!!!"

"Jesus Christ. You act like such an adult to Matt and yet you come to me and start acting like a child."

"Not my fault that you're being so cold about it! I wonder who started this convo anyway?"

You find yourself chuckling.

It's like that cliché you find in books or movies...

At first, the tough guy pretends he doesn't care about the protagonist.
And then...something happens to the protagonist.
Right after, the tough guy shows that he cares.

You find yourself looking up at the boy, walking and guiding you beside him, holding your hand.

You squeeze his hand a bit, getting his attention.

"What? Are you feeling okay now?" He asks.

"Wh-what's this? Affection?" You give him a cute grin.

Red described his face perfectly. He lets go of your hand and shoving it back into his pocket. Don't...don't joke around like that. This situation is serious." He says.

"Right, right..." You say, looking in front of you. "B-but can I still hold your hand?"

He looks at you, not saying anything for a minute but lets out an exasperated sigh. "Alright. If it makes you feel any better."

You continue walking, until you, Tom, Matt, Tord, and Ell had to be excused to the lobby.
Grandmother Susan had to go in immediately, as she was considered your guardian.

"I...I need to go to the restroom."

You excused yourself from the silence.

Coming back, the boys were suddenly gone.
You were left alone with her again.

"Wh...where are the boys?" You ask.
"They all needed a restroom break somehow." She replies.

Ell sat at the end of the bench while you sat on the opposite end.

It felt like the awkwardness and the silence was slowly closing in on you.

After your last encounter, you really didn't want to have to do anything with her.
After your last encounter, you really didn't want to say anything to her.
You knew she didn't want to either.

But deep down, you felt guilty of the words you said to her. Anger was your main emotion that time. You wanted to tell her that you didn't mean it. You wanted to tell her that you were sorry.

...But you couldn't.

You were about to stand up to search for why the boys were taking so long, until you hear whimpering.
You turn back to see the brunette crying.
Head down and her fists were closed tightly.

Why Me? |EDDSWORLD X READER |FF| HIATUSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя