Chapter 2.

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    After I met Kurapika, I was quite happy.

I wanted to know more about him but I  wasn't ready yet.

    I went to my classroom and sat down on my chair. "Hey,Mizuki!"My best friend Ayumi,yelled across the room. She sits down next to me and started opening her lunch.

    I looked around the room,"You should come in more quietly,everyone is staring at you."

    I started chewing on my food.

    "Sorry, you kinda missed school for 2 days so I just wanted to say hi to you," She says.

    "Thanks anyway."

   I thought about Kurapika and his friends for a while. And thought of asking them join their team.

    I shook my head and threw my lunch leftovers away.

After The last bell, I was the last one to be out of school. Except for staffs.

    I rushed outside and started looking at my phone.  I look at my msg box and opened it.


    Hey Mizuki, I will have to walk with you tomorrow, so sorry for leaving you without saying it.
Did that make sense?
Anyways I have a Student meeting today, so...
Call me later K?
3:12 P.M

    I put my phone inside my pocket.

I sighed and kicked a rock.

    I open my rooms door and closed it.

I check my phone again. Nothing.

I put my bag down, undressed my clothes and went inside the tub for a hot bath.



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