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    I was only twelve years old when, my family decided to go on a little vacation to an unknown island in the South Pacific. I sat in the plane next to my older brother holding onto the cargo straps that kept me in my seat. The pilot had just announced that we would be heading straight into a storm. Great, there are only two things that I hate and fear the most. Planes and storms. So the thought of riding a plane into a storm terrified me.

    It was only my small family of four and three crew members. Pilot, co-pilot and flight attendant of sorts. It wasn't a normal plane either, it was a big C-17 full of cargo crates and seats were only on the outer edges of the planes inside. I didn't know why we needed all this gear, it's like my parents decided to up and leave London one day. I loved London and really did not want to leave for some remote island in the middle of nowhere.

    The turbulence of the storm hits and my hands tighten around the straps holding my small frail body to the seat. My brother, Arthur, sets a hand on my knee in a comforting manner but it does nothing.

    Minutes after entering the storm, an alarm goes off and everything is illuminated red. Letting out a strangled scream, I watch as everything spins and crates go flying. Our plane had been hit by lightning and now we were circling down to the ground or ocean... whichever came first.

    This was the moment I knew I wasn't going back home.


    All crew members on the plane died the day we crashed, we had nosedived straight into a mountain. A year later, the plane still held strong embedded into the mountain side. My dad and I decided to make that our home.

    A month after the crash, once everyone had finally came to the agreement that we weren't getting off the island, my mom and brother went out to patrol for food sources or any civilization. They never came back; my father and I never went after them.

    I was only thirteen, but I had grown accustom to the whole living out in the wild thing. My father went out once a week to map the island while I stayed put. I never really left the inside of the plane; I would occasionally go sit on top of it, looking over the beautiful island I learned to love. I knew all about the mother long legs, dactyls, ants, water buffalo, and most importantly Kong.

    Today was a different day though; today I would be joining my father on a three day journey to the west side of the island. That was the only part of the island we hadn't mapped, and my father wanted us to do it together.

    That morning I packed a backpack with an extra pair of pants and a sweatshirt. Because my family up and left London a year ago, I had a bunch of clothes and things, but I knew they wouldn't last if they stayed on that island much longer. I packed some fresh fruit and dried meat as well as a water bottle.

    It took a day for us to get there and my father instantly started to sketch the surroundings. They weren't the best sketches but he always did the rough draft before bringing them to our new home and letting me draw the finishing piece on a large bed sheet.

    "Dad," I say and step towards the edge of the crater. "Are those?"

    "The remains of Kong's parents," He says and starts to scribble the picture before us. I take a few steps until fully sliding down into the crater. "Alexandria!" My father shouts and runs down after me.

    "I'm fine," I tell him and stand up. He continues to coddle me, but I finally push him off. "I said, I'm fine. Now come on, I thought I saw a new animal, this way."

    "How do you know it's friendly?" He asks and follows his daughter.

    "I don't," I tell him and smile. "But I know I can tame it."

    Despite never leaving the airplane, I was always good with animals, even unnatural ones. The dactyls and mother long legs were my little pets, despite them being both very deadly and very large in size.

    I couldn't hear anything besides our footsteps and heavy breathing. The quiet scared me, I was so used to the squawking of dactyls and pounding footsteps of Kong, the silence was deafening and I really did not like it.

    "Alexandria!" My father shouts and I whip around to see him being dragged by this huge white monster. It was like a lizard but with only two legs and a long snake like body. Not the most pleasant of looking creatures.

    "Dad!" I shout and run towards him. The monster already had its mouth around his legs and was not planning on letting go. It brings him up into the air and I go to grab my dad's hands but miss and grasp onto the only other thing I could reach, his dog tags.

    The chain snaps and I watch as the creature swallows the only other person I knew on this island. Then a huge gorilla foot smashes the creature like an ant under a boot and I look up to see Kong. He looks down at my now tear stained face before nodding and walking off. Not wanting to deal with the rest of this awful place, I take off running.

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