Inori Hiyori

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Inori's POV

"Aw,so your the new transfer student? Well nice to meet you my name is Karasuma."

I stared at the man with a blank look on my face he then turned around and spoke again.

"I'll show you to your classroom
follow me" the man said bluntly I then nodded and walked along with him.

As we walked I thought as a sinister grin came to my face 'I can't wait to kill this Koro-Sensei character, this is going to be fun'.

Once we got to the door my grin had vanished turning into an innocent smile. The man opened the door and walked me into the classroom.

Once both of us walked into the classroom all eyes were on me and I saw a yellow octopus staring at me as well.

Karasuma then turned to the octopus and everyone who were still staring at me and then spoke.

"This here is Inori Hiyori the new transfer student, now be sure to treat her with respect."

Everyone said ok and then the yellow octopus then turned and walked up to me.

"Well hello, my name is Koro-Sensei, I hope we can have a fun year together" the octopus stated as he held out one of his tentacles.

I chuckled and smiled while grabbing his tentacle "My name is Inori Hiyori nice to meet you."

I shake his tentacle still smiling 'SQUISH' his tentacle then splatters.

I then quickly take a knife out of my back and cut 4 more tentacles in an instant.

"AHHH!" the octopus shrieks as he was shocked that he was now missing 5 tentacles.

As I then try to slice his face he dodges I then laugh as I here gasped coming from the other side of the room.

"Aw man, I didn't get your head. But oh well I at least I got 5 of your tentacles."

"But I must say that you really are fast. But not fast enough if a human that can't even move at Mach 20 can cut off 5 of your tentacles." I mocked.

His face then turns red with him grunting like he was trying not to do something that he would regret.

"Aw is the little octopus angry, how sad" I mock his face then turns to green.

"Nurfufufu, Great assassination attempt, full marks" I then stared at him confused.

"Now, Inori now that you've had your fun, why don't you sit down so we can get class started. You can go sit next to the red head in the back."

He then pointed to a red head in the very back. I then chuckle and walk to the back of the classroom smiling while all eyes were on me.

As I walked to the back I thought 'Oh this is going to be a fun year I can't wait!'

I then turn back to the yellow octupus that was missing 5 tentacles grinning.

"Oh and octopus, just so you know, when I kill you I will have a huge smile on my face"

He then turns bright green again."I can't wait to see what you come up with next Inori"

Well guys this is my first story so I hope you all liked it.(>~<)

Inori Hiyori(Assassination Classroom)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora