"Yah!" The boy whines then both laughed softly. "Actually, I had to move in with my aunt due to some complications with my parents." He said as the two stopped at a door that was shown as saying 'Teacher's Office'

"Ah," Minyoung nodded noticeably not wanting to push the boy to tell so instead she knocked on the door of the Teacher's Office quickly getting a reply by the door opening revealing a young looking female teacher.

"Oh?" She spoke in a soft voice. "New students?" She quickly asked with a soft eyesmile making the two students nod and return the smile.

The two walk in after getting the signal from the teacher and make their way near her desk as she sits down finding what seems to be files.

"Park Dongmin." She reads out loud. "Wah~ If I didn't know any better I would think you hacked the system and improved all your grades."

Dongmin only chuckled at the what seemed to be compliment.

"Perfect grades, perfect visuals, ah" the teacher hummed looking over the next file. "Kim Minyoung, I see here you used to be captain of the Volleyball team. You two are both such great students," she smiled looking up at them. "You'll fit right in, in classroom 3."

"Both, classroom 3?" Dongmin widened his eyes as the teacher nodded.

"Are you sad you're stuck with me Dongmin?" Minyoung laughed a bit as she looked at him, Dongmin quickly shaking his head repeating the word no. "I'm only kidding,-"

The bell rang signally all students to head to their class.

"Park Dongmin, Lee Minyoung, you don't want to be late on your first day. Now hurry, go on." The teacher said only nudging the kids towards the door.

The two only walked out the door into the hallway again as students are seen rushing to their class. A boy is then seen accidentally bumping into Dongmin which catches them both by surprise.

"S-sorry," the boy speaks with a small bow shortly following his words. His sharp features and dark hair are seen clearly as he then rushes to his classroom leaving the two newbies to look as he walks away.

"Should we get going?" Minyoung asks after a while of Dongmin staring over at the boy walking away.

"Y-yeah," he finally speaks as Minyoung leads the way towards the classroom that they were assigned to.

The scene then cuts over to the top view of a classroom as students are seen chatting, some sitting on their desks, others on the phones, and such.

It gets silent as another female teacher comes in.

"Quiet down, quiet down please " she speaks making all students rush to their original chairs and stay silent. "Thank you," she hums as she organizes some papers.

"You know what I heard?" A girl with long light hair whispers over to another girl getting her attention right away. "That we have a new kid coming to school, do you think they'll be in our cl-"

"Lee Sooyeon, would you wish to share what you're talking about with the rest of the class?" The teacher spoke fixing her round glasses as she looks at the student, all others also looking at her.

"No, Sunsaengnim-" the girl, now revealed to be from her nametag, Lee Sooyeon bows her head in embarrassment.

"Good, well before anything, I'll like to introduce two new students who will be joining our class" the teacher speaks looking towards the door as Dongmin and Minyoung walk in bowing their heads.

All students are seen shocked, some mumbling "Two?" "Are they related?" "He's cute!".

"Settle down please, introduce yourselves you two"

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