It's night now we ran up to Hagrid's home we chapped furiously at the door he opens it  "Hagrid" Harry said " Oh hello sport don't wish to be rude but Im in no fight straight to entertain today" he quickly said shutting the door " We know about the Philosophers Stone" we all said at the same time he fires open to door and said "OH" we all walked into his house shutting the door behind us "We think Snape's trying to steal it" Harry said "Snape your not still going on about him are ya" he said cooking something "Hagrid we know he's after the Stone we just don't know why" Harry said fighting back at Hagrid "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone is not about to steal it" Hagrid said fighting back "What" I said to him "yeah you heard me right come on now I'm a bit preoccupied today" "wait a minute one of the teachers" "Of course there are other things defending the stone aren't there spell and charms" "yes that's right  it's about bloody time if you ask me" "ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy ain't a souls knows how except me and Dumbledore.......I Shouldn't have told you that should have told you that" POP POP POP we look over to the pot that wa over the fire making that popping noise Hagrid got his gloves on and took it out making noises as he did he places this thing on the table  we all went over to see what it was "ahhh Hagrid what exactly is that" Harry asked "that's is's ummmm" "I know what that is but Hagrid how did you get one" Ron asked him next "I won it off a stranger I met down at the pub seeing he was glad to get rid of it as a fact" it started to click even more now everybody was taking a few steps back then....BOOM!!! It hatched busting its shell everywhere we all looked in amazements a baby dragon stumbled out of its shell Hagrid sighed heavily "is that....a dragon?" Hermione asks "Thats not just a dragon that's an Norwegian Ridgeback my brother Charlie works with these in Romania" Ron said astonished "Isn't he beautiful" I said smiling "awww bless him look he knows his mummy" Hagrid said chuckling a bit "Hello Norbert" "Norbert" Harry ask's "yeah well he's gotta have a name doesn't he" I heard Ron laugh but it more sounded like a huff of laughter "Look at you Norbert" As Hagrid said that he put two fingers under is head and wiggles them the dragon looked at him then chocked a bit of fire landing on Hagrid's bread he made grumbling sounds patting his bread quickly trying to get the fire off his bread "he'll have to be trained a bit first" he said to all of us Ron gave me a unsure look I just worriedly looked back at him "who's that" Hagrid said looking forward at his window we all turn around to see Draco Malfoy Turing and running away "Malfoy" Harry spat out like his name was some type of disease "oh dear" Hagrid said.

"Hagrid always wanted a dragon he told me the first time we ever met him" Harry said a bit loudly we all shushed him at the same time "it's crazy worse Malfoy knows" Ron said "yeah I know right" I said back at him "I don't understand why is it so bad" Harry asks Ron "it's bad" he said stopping and looking up we did the same to see Professor McGonagall looking down at us with stern eyes "Good evening " she says to us then out of nowhere the one and only Draco Malfoy came walking out from behind her and stood in front of us smiling his smile again again.

"Nothing I repeat nothing gives a student age to walk around the school at night there for as punishment for your actions 50 points will be taken from Gryffindor" Harry,Hermione and Ron all gasped "50 each" they gasped even more I looked at Draco who was smiling even bigger now which I didn't even think was possible "and to insure it doesn't happen again all five of you will receive detention" All five??? I thought then I looked at Draco who's face was flat as a pancake "excuse me Professor perhaps I heard you wrong I thought you said all five of us" he said confused "no you heard me correctly Mr Malfoy you see as good as your pretentious was you where out of bed after hours you will join you classmates in detention" she said at him he then looked back at us which we where all smiling I looked at Harry he giggled quietly with me then I looked back at Draco who was staring at me intensely then smiled then ask the Professor "Professor what about Y/n she was with them too shouldn't she get 50 points taken from RavenCalw" "Mr Malfoy Im going to be having a word with Y/n if you don't mind" he nodded at Professor McGonagall then looked back at me smiling his devilish smile again I gave him a pissed off looked "Now Mr Potter, Mr Malfoy, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger please wait outside I need a word with Miss Y/l/n" "Yes Professor" they said walking away once they shut the door I said "Professor if you don't mind me asking why didn't I get 50 points taken away from me like my friends?" "Miss Y/l/n your father wrote this letter to you stating that he wanted you to read it in private I wasn't expecting the time to be now but here" she handed me a later with my fathers writing on it I opened it and it read
Dear my Princess
I hate to inform you that S/n has fell terribly ill we are currently in the hospital she wanted me to tell you that not to worry about her and I'm sure she'll definitely will make it through whatever she's got she also drew this for you

You looked into the envelope to see a drawing that had to be a drawing of you, your father and herself you continued reading the letter

We both hope your enjoying school so far and not getting into to much trouble like I did when I was there and I'm sure your also wondering why your not in your own house class which I'm sure is RavenCalw the reason why is one of my coworkers and a long time friend Luscious Malfoy's son is in Slytherin and I thought you two could get along with each other cause you'll be spreading a lot of time together hope your enjoying Hogwarts.

Love dad x

Word count 2,049

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter I'm trying to make more I might down another by a couple of days if I'm lucky see you soon
Puppy x

Boys Boys and more Boys Harry Potter various x reader *Discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora