Okay This Looks Bad

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The lead agent gave Scott the coordinates and was ushering his men into jets of their own when a proximity alarm went off to signal the approach of several Kree warships for yet another attack against the helicarrier.

"They just don't give up, do they?" Clint said, annoyed, as everyone on the helicarrier scrambled to switch from loading up to defensive positions.

"We'll bloody their noses and send them running fast enough," Natasha said, looking toward Logan, who looked as if the delay was a personal insult to him. "If we can punch a hole through them, we'll let SHIELD deal with the rest."

"Good thing I've got a new weapon that fires faster than last time I used it," Clint said with a grin over at Scott, who shrugged and smirked in response as the four of them climbed back in the Quinjet to meet the Kree in the air.

"You'd have better sights if the way you rigged it hadn't locked up the center of it," Scott said over his shoulder.

"Fountain of knowledge today," Clint said, shaking his head, though he was grinning wide. "Next time we come play exchange students at the mansion, I formally request an alien tech remedial course."

"I'll see what I can do to get Kitty to walk you through it slow," Scott said distractedly.

A few other SHIELD jets scrambled around them as they headed out to meet the huge Kree warships before they could get to the helicarrier, and Clint announced their annoyance with the invaders with the first shot fired in that battle — a direct hit to one of their weapons ports that had him grinning. "Don't need sights," he laughed to himself. "I saw that one easy enough."

"Mind stowin' the commentary and just gettin' with the damage?" Logan growled out.

"C'mon, Logan. You've known me how long now?" came the chuckled response over the low whine of the gun charging back up.

"Long enough for you to know I'm not in the damn mood," he replied half under his breath, knowing that Clint wouldn't hear him.

Natasha reached over and squeezed his arm. "Would you prefer we simply threw you at the nearest ship and let you do all the work?" she asked, one eyebrow raised and her tone light and teasing.

"Yes," he shot back, looking dead serious.

"Next time, then," she promised before a shot from the Kree ship went screaming past, barely missing them as Scott yanked hard on the stick to get them away from it.

"That Skrull thing's taking too long to recharge, even with the vents open," Scott muttered Logan's way. "Think you could man something a little more earthly in the meantime? Pretty sure there's some Stark weapons systems in this thing you could play with."

"Might as well," he muttered before he set himself up with the targeting system that fired plasma beams that simply sliced through the Kree ships. Natasha had to smirk to herself when she noticed right away that he wasn't aiming for engines or wings — but the cockpits.

It was an effective strategy. The first time Logan blasted through a cockpit, the Kree ship listed heavily to the side and very nearly crashed into one of its sister ships before the second one course-corrected — right into Clint's sights for a debilitating blast that took out its engine and had the second warship spinning out of control as well.

The remaining warships very quickly decided to concentrate their fire on the Quinjet, making it difficult for either Logan or Clint to get a good shot when Scott was forced into more and more complicated maneuvers to try to keep from getting blasted out of the sky.

The Kree were returning the favor in targeting the cockpit as well, and while Scott was a great pilot, it was not possible for him to keep it up when three different warships had fired from different locations — and it was really more a miracle that it hit the starboard wing than anything more immediately fatal, even though it did send them into a tight spin.

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