Chapter Nineteen: Why would you agree to do that!?

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-EXE had pushed Sonic away from him and stared right into Sonic's eyes. "What do you mean by that?" His gaze was serious and stern.
-Sonic shifted his weight as he crossed his arms. Why do you always have to act so aggressively? Sonic looked back down at the journal. It's just a book with valuable information. He looked back at EXE. He face looked irritated as if he was waiting for Sonic's answer. 
-Sonic uncrossed his arms and put his hands on his hips. "There's this falcon name Amos. He owns this shop in the city. He is one of Zalgo's old friends."
-EXE's expression fell slightly. "How does this Amos know Zalgo?"
"He said they met about thirty years ago and that they were like brothers," Sonic went over to grab the journal and handed it to EXE. "Amos had this antique shop back then as well, and his shop possessed the book of Dark Magic."
-EXE grabbed the journal and just put it back on the bed. "Why, though?" He asked desperately. "Why did you take this home!? You obviously know about that reversal spell page!"
-Sonic widened his eyes at EXE. His gaze was a mixture of anger and fear. Does he honestly think  I would reverse Zalgo's spell? Sonic walked up to EXE and grabbed his hand. He started stroking it to calm EXE down. "EXE, I would never think of reversing this. After all the years we've been together, when I said that I would be there for you always, do you really believe I would do something like that?" Sonic then grabbed EXE's shoulders as he waited for an answer.
-EXE shook his head no. He grabbed Sonic into a hug and tightened his gripped. "Why did you bring it here? Just answer that for me."
-Sonic hugged EXE back and breathed in his scent. "I thought you'd need to know about this. So that you can feel closer to Zalgo." Sonic snuggled his muzzle into EXE's neck showing his affection. He could feel EXE's heartbeat at moderate speed.
-EXE began rubbing his head against Sonic's. "I don't need to feel closer to Zalgo when I have you and Abby," He fell back on the bed, dragging Sonic down with him, and kissed his cheek. "What more could I need?"
-Sonic rested his head on EXE's chest and closed his eyes. "You're sweet sometimes you know."
-EXE tightened his grip on Sonic and flipped over on top of him. "I wouldn't go that far."
-Sonic smirked and started chuckling. "Right, Mr. tough guy I'm sorry," He teased. Sonic then scooted out of EXE's grip and sat up in front of him. "But seriously, though. Don't you want to know more about Zalgo? I could always invite Amos over and have you two meet and talk."
-EXE stood up and shook his head. "I don't want to over excite myself. Just knowing that he turned because he only wanted a child of his own is good enough." Sonic could see the regret in his eyes but didn't bother saying anything.
-Sonic stood up and grabbed EXE's hand. "Do you maybe want to visit Zalgo's grave sometime? You haven't visited it since you brought Abby home."
"Maybe tomorrow. It's getting late and I'm tired."
-Sonic nodded and walked over to the door. He opened it slightly and saw Abby playing with Roscoe. She looked happy again. He opened the door more and knocked to get her attention. "Bed time Abby. You too Roscoe."
-Roscoe walked into his bedroom and left Abby alone. Abby then stood up and walked over to her bedroom.
-Sonic coughed. "Ahem. Aren't we forgetting something?" He eyed her.
-Abby stopped in her tracks and ran over to Sonic. Sonic bent down as Abby went to kiss his cheek. "Good night daddy."
"Good night." He watched as Abby ran over to her room and shut the door.
-Sonic turned around and closed the door behind him as he walked over to the bed. EXE was already tucked in as Sonic went tucked himself in next to EXE. Sonic went on his side and looked at EXE. "Shadow and I have agreed that Abby can't see Rosy for a long time."
-EXE sat up and started at Sonic. "What!? Why would you agree to that!?"
-Sonic sat up as well. "I just thought that would be best for now. After what just happened and--"
"That's not even the best thing! I promised Abby she would see her again. What am I supposed to do now!? She's going to be heartbroken!"
-Sonic didn't dare to flinch to EXE's protest. He sighed and just shrugged his shoulders. "This isn't permanent EXE. Just until Abby has gotten it under control. They will see each other again in the future," Sonic laid back down and pulled the sheets up. "If you want I'll tell her so you won't have to feel bad about it."
"Too late." EXE laid back down and turned away from Sonic.
-Sonic sighed and gazed at the ceiling. I'm just doing what I think is best. Sonic then closed his eyes and left himself fall into sleep.

-Sonic opened his eyes slowly as light beamed through the window. He turned his head over and saw EXE still sleeping. He slowly got out of bed and walked over into the kitchen. He turned on the stove and started preparing breakfast. As he cracked the eggs he heard tapping behind him and turned around to see Lune walking up to him.
-She yawned and rubbed her eye with her paw. "Is there a chance I could get some real food instead of cat food?"
-After Sonic cracked the last egg and looked back down at Lune and grined. "I don't know. Cats can't really eat mobian food all the time or they get sick."
-Lune groaned as she licked her tail. "But I was created by Zonar rappelles toi?"
-Sonic chuckled in awkwardness. "I get you're french, but can you not speak like that all the time? I don't really understand french that much."
-Lune started growling in annoyance. "Putain de dieu! I'm asking if you remember zis! Honestly, one of your best friends speaks in french. How can you not understand?"
-Sonic shook his head and went back to cooking. "There's no need to yell at the person who feeds you," He said sarcastically. "And the only thing I can understand is when he swears at me for teasing him," He then looked back down at Lune. "But to answer the first question, yes. You make a good argument on that. I'll see what I can make for you."
-Lune meowed in joy and ran over to the couch. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.
-Sonic stared back shocked as he went to fry some bacon. Damn. When did she learn how to do that? Sonic stifled a laugh. As he finished up the food he put them in plates and set them on the new dinning table they bought. He went to grab a tray and put one of the plates on it along with silverware and a glass of organic orange juice.
-Sonic picked up the tray and walked back over to the bedroom. He knocked on the wall to wake up EXE. As EXE woke up Sonic walked over and sat down next to him. "Good morning my love," Sonic put the tray on EXE's lap when he sat up. "I thought you could use an easy day after what happened." Sonic kissed the side of EXE's head as EXE started eating.
-Sonic stood back up again and walked over to Abby's room. He opened the door and looked at Abby who was still sleeping under her bed covers. "Abby, wake up. Breakfast is ready."
-Abby got out of bed immediately and ran into Sonic's arms. Sonic picked her up and walked into the kitchen and set her down in one of the dining chairs, scooting her chair closer to the table.
-Sonic went back to the stove and finished up Lune's breakfast.
-After Sonic finished Lune's breakfast omelette he called her in and set the plate down in front of her as she came up.
-Lune sniffed the omelette and snorted. "What? No pepper? What am I an animal?"
-Literally yes. Sonic sighed and stood up. He playfully bowed before her. "Whatever the precious kitty wants." Sonic walked over to the pantry and opened it. He scanned the whole pantry until he found the pepper and grabbed it. He shook it before he went back to Lune.
-As Sonic seasoned the omelette Roscoe came in and sat next to Lune. "What's this?"
-After she took a bite she scooted the plate over to Roscoe. "You like? Try it."
-Roscoe took a bite and wagged his tail in delight. The both of them shared the omelette until it was gone.
-Sonic grabbed the plate and put it in the sink. After washing it he went to the dining table and began eating his breakfast. While eating he felt arms wrap around him and looked behind seeing EXE.
-EXE looked at Abby and frowned when he looked at Sonic, mouthing the words "You're telling her."
-Sonic nodded and went back to eating his food. "When do you want to leave?"
-EXE sat down next to Sonic and took a piece of his food. "Maybe in an hour or so." He ate the piece and smiled when Sonic glared at him playfully.
"Where are we going?" Abby asked when she pushed her plate forward, indicating she was done.
-EXE went over to grab her plate and rubbed her head. "Somewhere."
"But where?"
"Somewhere." EXE went to the kitchen and began washing the plate.
-Abby crossed her arms and made an angry pout face. "Stop being annoying!"
-Sonic laughed when EXE mocked Abby with his hand, making it open and close as if it were a mouth.
"Daddy!" Abby screamed when she looked at Sonic. "Make him stop!"
-Sonic continued giggling and looked at EXE. "You heard our little princess. Stop." He teased. Sonic then continued eating his breakfast until he was done and went over next to EXE to wash his plate.

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