Chapter 2: Getting Used To Things

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Gabriella's POV


After a weekend of standing around watching Dog Company in their training, I felt confident that I could join Easy Company without fault. Boy, was I wrong.

Sobel had us lined up, dressed in our OD uniforms, rifles and all, for inspection. Apparently, Frank getting called on the creases in the bottom of his trousers was usual and I got nervous because we were pretty much the same height, which meant I probably had the same problem. Thankfully, I didn't get called on it, but Sobel did take his time picking on me sine I was the only female in this company.

"I don't know about the rest of the men, but I sure as hell wouldn't want a woman holding me back when we get to Europe and I sure as hell wouldn't want a woman holding me back in training either!" Sobel shouted as I stood in attention, not moving a muscle. "Private Edwards, are you prepared to even be here?" he asked me, getting in my face about it.

"Yes, sir." I answered, my voice filled with determination even if it was partly to get him out of my face.

"No you're not, Private. You know how I can tell? You showed up late. These men have been here for almost a year and you show up fresh out of the Oval Office sipping hooch with the President!" He shouted once more. By now, I was starting to get sick of his shit. I looked dead ahead and didn't say a word, my expression blank. Eventually, since getting no reaction from me, he moved on and inspected a couple other guys. A change from the weekend they just had, we all got our next weekend passes revoked. Thankfully, I wasn't the cause of it which meant maybe some of the men might not think of me as a threat. But since our passes got revoked, there was punishment.

Our first exercise was running Curahee in PT gear. I kept up to the front of the pack, but once the guys got tired, they started to slow down and Sobel wants us to stay in a formative group, so I had to slow down until the path to the top of Curahee got thinner and more stretched out. From there, Lieutenant Winters started leading the group and he would've been the first to reach the rock had I not passed him and slapped the top of the rock where Sobel stood holding a stop watch. I began my descent, high-fiving Gaurnere, Toye, Luz and Randleman as I passed them. Winters showed up on my left flank in almost disbelief.

"I knew you could run, but honestly, I didn't expect you to be at the front." Winters commented, panting as bad as I was.

"I was a track and field runner in school. One of the best. Running is kind of my thing." I told him as a couple of the guys caught up to us. Before long, we were running as a group once more the rest of the way down Curahee. Once we were back in the field, a few of the men knelt down to try and catch their breathe. Muck was trying to fix a cramp in his leg by running a closed fist over the sore spot. I remained standing as Sobel ran up behind the group.

"You all made good time, but it's not good enough! For that, your next weekend pass is still revoked until further notice. We run Curahee again tomorrow. Take a break, get some water and meet at the obstacle course in 10 minutes!" Sobel announced, earning moans and groans from the crowd.

"So...what do you think of Curahee?" Gaurnere asked, out of breathe like the rest of us. He was probably thinking I would quit just because of that hill.

"I fucking hate it." I muttered in response, earning weak chuckles from Gaurnere and Toye, who walked by the same time I said it.

"Hey! 10 minutes, go get some water." Nixon told us before walking away. I held out my hand to Gaurnere, which he gratefully accepted. I pulled him off the ground before following him to find water and then following him to the obstacle course where we got split up. One group would sit on the sidelines to cheer the other group on as they ran the course. The unlucky first group got split into 3 or 4 lines. I was lined up second behind Randleman in the third line.

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