"It's a pity she doesn't quite fit in."

The village's "hero" Ron is a pain for her. He tries day after day to get her to fall for him, but at last, she feels nothing for him.

"Hermione! How are you today?" Ron asked.

"I'm fine, how are you?"

Ron's face light in excitement. He loves to talk about himself.

"Great, I killed two bucks, five ducks, one fox, managed to throw a beggar out of a store..." and that's when Hermione stop listening.

Picking up from where she left off in her book she and Ron walked sided by side up to her little house. While he talked about beating up the old and beggars she reread her favorite book. Romeo and Juliet.

"So what do you say? Dinner tonight at six?"

Hermione stopped at her steps, turning to him with a sad smile.

"Tonight no... I'm rather busy."

"What about tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.

"No that won't work either. It won't work ever." awkwardly she walked inside and lend against the door. Hermione felt pity for Ron. She definitely did not feel the same as the other women in the village. Her little pity party ended as a bang echoed throughout the house with smoke following it.


"I'm ok!"

Downstairs and coughing through the smoke she found him stomping on the metal and wood pieces of his newest project.

"Damn thing! I ask you to do to one thing and that was not to blow up!" He kicked it once more for good measure.

Hermione shook her head. She knew how he was, his project would not work then he would yell and get back to work and it would start working.

"Come on Papa take a break and tomorrow you'll fix it before leaving for the fair." Hermione smiled.

Marty scratched his head, nodding he followed his daughter upstairs and helped open the windows. He knew she was right after all she was just as smart as her mother and father.




The following day Hermione was right, as always. Getting up early Marty fixed his newest gadget and with Bayla's help was on the road around 9.

"You can come with me," Marty said looking down at Hermione from the wagon.

"I'm fine staying here."

"Well do you want anything?"

Smiling Hermione told him she would like him to return home. Chuckling he bid her goodbye and clicking his tongue the horse, Philp, and headed down the road. Ron watching Marty leave thought this would be the best time to try and woo Hermione and get for her to marry him. Hermione seeing him walking towards her swiftly turn and head back into her home. He smiled and knocked on the door, putting on a mask she opened the door with a fake smile.

"Ron, hello."

"Today is your lucky day Hermione."

"And why is that?"

He walked past her sitting at the dinner table and leaning in the chair placing his feet on the table, mud splatter the top and the book they were resting on.

"Think of this. A nice warm fire, me coming home with my newest kill roasting over the fire and my wife massaging my feet." He kicked his boots off and wiggled his toes. "And kids playing with the dogs. we'll have five or six."

"Five or six dogs."Hermione scrunched her nose, he feet recked.

"Kids. Strapping young boys like me. And do you know who my little wife will be?"

"Let me guess."


Hermione was stunned. Why can't he take a hint... she does not like him. Walking back to the door she pounder what to say.

"I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll marry me." He got up following her, backing her up against the door.

"I... I," She blindly looked for the doorknob. Finding it just as he leaned in for a kiss. "I'm sorry I can't." Hermione opened the door sending him flying out the door into the mud.

Ron looked at the door and found his face kissing his muddy boots. His follower, Harry, poked his head through the bushes.

"How'd it go?"

Growling he stormed off, wet mud dripping off his clothes.

A few minutes later Hermione picked her head out the door. 'Good he's gone.' She thought. Walking outside the chickens clucked and hoped away following her knowing she's going to hand out some corn. Talking to herself to calm herself down her mind drifting off to her father she wished him a safe and easy trip.

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