"Pffttt..Pleaseee.. Why..why.. why would I be at loss? I am just spring cleaning my clothes.. And you brat! What husband? We're not even married yet."I told him while trying to cover my embarrassment.

"Oh? So, you really don't need my help then? Alright. I'll get going then." my little brother told.


"WAIT!" I told Ai'Nic.

"Yes, Phee? You need anything?" He smirked.

"Erm.. Help Phee na? Phee don't know what to wear tomorrow na.."I answered giving the pitiful look.

"Phee, just wear anything. You can just wear the blue shirt and jacket plus the black jeans. Even if you don't wear anything, Kla will still love you. In fact, I think he will love you even more."Nic told me and started laughing.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT! GET LOST!"I pushed him out of the room and slammed the door. 

After chasing Nic out of the room, I cleaned up the mess I had made. A while later, I fell asleep.


The next morning...

"SHIT! I'm late!" Techno grabbed the alarm clock on his desk near the bed and jumped off the bed. He tried peeping through the window to see whether Kengkla has arrived. He relaxed when he saw there was no car outside.

"Huh? Didn't he say he would come at 8am? Ah.. Nvm... I'll just go take my bath then"Techno muttered to himself.

After having his bath, he changed his clothes. He then paced back and forth in front of his room door.

Should I go now? Should I cancel it? ARGHH!!! Why are my palms sweaty? Why am I so nervous? NO. NO. That can't be. You can do Ai'No. Trust yourself. It's just like going out with your younger brother. It's just that you are about to marry with the person and you slept with him once before. It's just a normal hangout. Chill. You can do this. Techno said to himself nodding his head in assurance.

As he came downstairs, he was shocked.

"You.. What time did you come? I didn't hear your car."Techno asked Kengkla who was sitting and playing some games with Technique.

"Oh, Phee. You're ready. Let's go. I brought my bike. I came here around 7am."Kengkla smiled and told Techno.

"What?! 7am?! Why didn't you wake me up?"Techno asked looking troubled.

"Oh, nevermind Phee. You deserve your beauty sleep. I can wait for you." Always will.. Kengkla said dearly.

"Er.. Then.. Shall we make a move?"Techno asked.

"Sure, Phee. Let's go."Kengkla took his bike keys, smirked at his best friend and smiled innocently at Techno. Techno followed suit.

"Here, Phee. Wear the helmet. Do you have any place in mind that you wanna go, Phee?" Kengkla asked as he sat on his bike and started the engine.

"Er..no? Up to you"Techno said.


Kengkla brought Techno for breakfast and then to the fun fair.

At the fun fair..

"Phee, there's a haunted house. Let's go!"Kengkla's eyes sparkled. He had heard from his best friend before that his P'No is afraid of ghost. Therefore, he doesn't watch horror movies nor enter a haunted house before.

"Er.. haunted house oh?? It's okay, Kla.. Kla.. Go. Phee wait here na.." Techno said.

Kengkla smirked at his Phee and said, "Don't tell me P'No is scared of ghost and haunted house. Someone at your age is afraid of all that?"

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