5. Family Meets

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A/N: Hey people! Thank you so much for all your positive comments and encouragement! :) I was so touched to be honest and super excited for the upcoming chapter. So here's another dose of happiness <3


The very next day, Techno's mom woke him up as early as 7am. Techno actually loves sleeping in. Techno was all grumpy and grouchy as he woke up. He glared at everyone. 

Techno's POV

What the hell? Why on earth did my mom wake me up so early? No shopping malls are open this early. They usually open at 10am. I want to sleep more. And why must I buy a gift and go there? Can't we just bring some fruits and gift it to them instead? Fruits are healthy, you know? A fruit a day keeps the doctor away. Talking about gifting stuff to people. Can I just not go? Can I just fake an illness instead? Hah.. I know.. I will obediently follow them to the shopping mall. Then, we would definitely have lunch there. Next, I will eat something spicy and tell them my stomach upset or something. Yeap. That's it. My brilliant idea. I am so smart. Wohoo!

I walked pass the kitchen and sat at the dining table. Huh? Ai'Nic is awake? This early? Huh? That brat is awake? I have difficulties waking him up even at 9am to go for breakfast with me every weekend and now he is sitting right in front of me. Everyone is awake except Mimi and Nini. Hmm...

"Ei.. No... You're awake already. Sit down . Have some breakfast. Later follow your mae to the market and buy some ingredients. The fridge is empty. How can you live in a house with an empty fridge? Do you always eat those fast food? It's not good. Look how skinny you are. I know you love those fried stuff, but it's best if you cut down on it. Try eating healthy, Ai'No. Even if you don't want to listen to me, think of your brother. He is young and still growing. He needs a balanced diet. You two boys only have each other to depend on. Even if you marry, you must take your responsibility as the eldest in the family and take care of your younger brother. You know, he has always been the immature and spoiled. So it's on you, to teach him and care for him. You know, recently , Aunty Mao's 3 children was diagnosed with leukemia? Do you know why? She was too busy working and kept buying chicken rice everyday for her children. What Yai is trying to tell you is take care of your body. Too much fast food can get cancer, dear. Please be careful." Yai lectured me. Well if you are curious about Aunty Mao, she is my parents friend who is working as a teacher in a private school in the city.

"Oh. Okay Yai. I know what to do already. Don't worry, okay? Why are you all awake so early?"I asked all of my family members who were sitting down at the dining table.

"Oh, we oh... we are following you to the mall to buy gift. Isn't it obvious? Moreover, it has been a long time since we came to the city . So, we wanted to stroll around for a bit." Yai looked at me as she served me a plate of fried rice.

"Oh.. Okay" I said as I ate my food quietly.

After a while, all of us went to the mall and that was where my nightmare started. URGHH. I HATE SHOPPING. ARGHH. More like, I hate shopping with family. Someone help me. I want to run away to Mars now. Why are they torturing me like this?

"Ai'No, I think this gold bracelet is quite nice for your mother-in-law? Do you think it's alright? Or should we take this pair of earring instead?" my mae asked me. As I was about to replied to her inquiry. My brother came to me and told my Yai was looking at the silk cloth at the opposite fabric store.

As if two of them are not handful enough, Por decided to add on my headache.

"Ai'No, how about this watch? Por thinks this watch is nice. Do you think the blue or black one is nicer?"my Por asked me from the next store.

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