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They boys laid there, holding hands and listening to the songs TJ had put on C.C.C.M. Crazy Cool Cat Music Cyrus thought to himself. Most of the songs were love songs, and it took a lot out of him to constantly remind himself that that was a coincidence. There was no specific reason why TJ was showing him these songs.

"I owe you cake," TJ suddenly told him after half an hour of being there. Cyrus lifted a brow before remembering that TJ said he'd bake him a cake with the frosting of his choice. TJ sat up, not letting go of Cyrus' hand and said, "Come on, we'll go make the cake and watch the movie downstairs." Cyrus found himself sitting up, being pulled out the door and down the hallway by TJ.

In the kitchen, TJ refused to let Cyrus do any of the work. Cyrus sat down and watched from the table where TJ was mixing ingredients. "Let me help you," Cyrus insisted.

"Nope," TJ stuck his tongue out at Cyrus. "You're the guest."

"You're very stubborn sometimes," Cyrus frowned, making TJ smile.

"I'm not ashamed of that," TJ shrugged. Cyrus rolled his eyes but couldn't hold back his smile. "You can pick out the movie today."

"Really?" Cyrus placed his hand on his cheek. "I'm usually not allowed to."

"Why is that?" TJ asked as he poured ingredients into a pan.

"Because Andi and Buffy hate documentaries," Cyrus bit his lip. He didn't know why he felt so embarrassed when it came to TJ finding out he was a big dork. It written in neon letters on his forehead basically.

"Pick one," TJ said, moving away from the table, "I don't mind."

"Are you sure? I've been wanting to watch this one on weird sea creatures that's on Netflix."

"Yeah, Cyrus," TJ turned around to give him a quick smile, "I don't mind. My parents make me watch documentaries on bands all the time. I know more about Queen than anyone our age should." Cyrus smiled before he realized something.

"Do your parents know I'm here?" Cyrus asked him, moving his fingernail between his teeth.

"Nope," TJ said, turning on the oven.

Cyrus let out a little gasp, "TJ."

"What?" TJ smiled. "They won't care. They like all my friends. My dad likes to pretend that he's cool. He just gets really sad if you don't understand his music references."

"I feel unprepared to meet your parents," Cyrus told him, making TJ laugh.

"You're fine, Cyrus. They're not going to go after your blood."

"Well considering they're vampires, that's hard to believe," Cyrus half-smiled, the anxiety starting to take a toll on him.

"Well vampires stay out late. We'll probably be asleep by the time they come back."

"Oh, we're actually going to sleep?" Cyrus cocked his head to the side. "I thought sleepovers consisted of mandatory all-nighters."

"Do you want to pull an all-nighter?" TJ raised an eyebrow, a little surprised with him.

"Nope," Cyrus shook his head, a little relived. "I would die."

"You wouldn't die if you became a vampire," TJ brought up his tongue and placed it on the tip of his canine teeth for Cyrus to see.

"I'm not interested in immortality, but thank you," Cyrus said politely, making TJ laugh again. "I'm going to go figure out how your TV works now."

"Okay," TJ said as he moved around the utensils, "remote might be on the coffee table. It has a Netflix button. The cake is about to go in anyways." Cyrus left the kitchen and found Macaroni on the arm of the couch, fast asleep. He smiled and went to pick up the remote, a family photo catching his eye. He had noticed very few photos the last time he was here, and the more he looked around, the more photos he saw. He picked up the photo next to the remote and saw a younger TJ, getting a piggyback ride from his dad who was holding Amber's hand. Amber was wearing a hot pink dress while TJ and his dad had matching blacks shirts. Cyrus was almost positive the shirt his dad had on in the photo was from a band, but he couldn't read the font. TJ really didn't look like his dad as much as Amber. Cyrus noted that TJ didn't look like his dad at all.

TJ's Playlist | TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now