(Hiro x Skateboarder! Tomboy! Reader)

Start from the beginning

Hiro hums, “Well, maybe we can hang out tomorrow after I get out of school.”

I smile, “Really? Maybe I can stop by tomorrow and see your school.”

“Sure. It's the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.”

Okay, this boy is even better and I nearly choke on my drink, “Dude! You even have the brains, go you! See ya tomorrow!” I hop onto my board and salute to Hiro while skating off back home.

The next day, I was just outside of the institute and loitering. So far no one has come out to chase me away, which was good since I was flipping my board in the air when going on the stairs. After awhile I heard my name being called and I see Hiro with a group of college looking students. I waited until they got closer.

“Hey, Hiro. These your school buddies?”

Hiro nods, “Yeah, guys this is (____). (____), this is Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, and Gogo.” He points them out as they greet me.

“Awesome. The nerds with the nerd, but you guys seem like extremely cool nerds.” I give a thumbs up. “Anything particular you want to do?” I ask Hiro as he waves to his friends when they leave.

“Not exactly. I never had anyone my own age to hang out with, except for this girl that tried to get me back into botfighting.”

I look at him in confusion then shrug, “Lucky for you, I have a discount at the skateboard store and we are getting you one so you can keep up. Let's go!”

“Wait! I don't know how to skateboard!”

“Then let your lessons begin!”

The past few weeks have gone by and it was hilarious yet entertaining to watch Hiro skateboard. I taught him how to fall during certain things on the skateboard so he wouldn't get hurt bad and I helped when he needed it. Though one time his Aunt had gotten after him when he came back late and assuming he was botfighting.

I took the blame since she didn't know about me and quickly forgave Hiro, so now we could hang out more. Finally, Hiro was able to keep up with me on his skateboard and it was fun, though he would rather watch as I do tricks.

“I was thinking we could play soccer.” Hiro kicks the soccer ball while walking.

“I see you're a pro at it. Shall we play a game to see who's better?” I grin while slowly skating next to him toward the park.

Hiro smirks, “I'll take that offer even though I'm going to win.”

“We'll see.”

We toss our bags against a tree and I place my skateboard with them. Out on the grassy field of the park, Hiro and I face each other on opposite sides. Hiro had the ball and holds it out, “Ready?”

“Oh yeah! Bring it on, Hamada!”

He kicks it straight up and we both run, keeping an eye on the soccer ball as it comes down closer to Hiro. Honestly, this was my second time playing soccer and I was not going to back down.

We went back and forth, moving the ball between our feet and trying to knock it away from each other.

“That all you got?” Hiro laughs.

I smirk, “What? You want to get rough?”

Hiro grins and we both shove each other by the shoulders, but not losing the ball.

Finally I went to kick the soccer ball with all my might and it heads toward Hiro's goal. Until it hit at an angle on the ground and making it bounce up and over us. Buuuut, something happened that I never thought would happen ever again.

My kick caused Hiro to land right on top of me and his hands were on my chest. I could feel my face heat up and I shove him off. “DUDE!” I yell in anger from the embarrassment.

Hiro is blushing and staring at me with wide eyes, pointing at me. “Y-You're a g-girl?”

I roll my eyes and stomp off to grab my bag and skateboard.

“Wait! Where are you going?” Hiro grabs my hood. “I'm sorry if I offended you, (____). It was an accident.”

I shake my head, “If you're going to leave then leave. All the other guy friends I had left because they found out I was a girl. They thought it was too weird.” I groan and kick the grass, “All I want to do is just enjoy being me without everyone making assumptions of a tomboy. Have a friend to stick by me like a bro!”

Hiro stares at me and shrugs, “(____), nothing changed of how I think about you. You're still my friend, bro, whatever you want to call it. I was surprised and all I'm gonna think about is boundaries.”

I raise a brow in confusion. “Meaning?”

“Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I can't be friends with you, but I'll know certain places not to touch. Like us guys, we have boundaries too.” Hiro smiles and punches my shoulder playfully, “Can we continue our game? Or should we have wings and video games at my house?”

That's a first for anyone to say that to me and from the boy who got nachos all over me. How can I pass on food and video games? I groan and punch his arm. “Fine. But you owe me bigtime, dude.”

Hiro chuckles, “Yeah, yeah.” He throws his arm around my shoulders,  “I bet I can beat you at video games.”

I grin and pull him down in a headlock, “Oh yeah? I bet I can beat you at that and finish your aunt's famous wings before you.”

We end up racing and trying to slow each other down along the way to his house.

I was the lucky one now. Someone who accepted me for who I am and his name was Hiro Hamada. A robotics major, (secretly) a superhero, and a very awesome friend. He was just as important as my skateboard and music.

That brought me back to the moment of my senior year homecoming. I wore a snazzy suit, so did Hiro. Yep, he showed up at my house like that, but I didn't want to go in. Once we go to the door, I linked my arm with Hiro's and ran to grab our skateboards, then slip my hat on backwards.

“Glad you changed your mind!” Hiro smirks and skates past me and pops his board to grind on a bench.

“So am I! I'd rather spend my night with my awesome pal of mine.” I grin at him and do a 360 off the stairs that lead to the park.

“I need to ask you something about our pals before gals moto.” Hiro lands next to me while I stop my board.

“Okay, shoot.”

“Can we change it?”

I frown and cross my arms, “Why?” The way Hiro asked his question cautiously, made me worried. I mean, honestly, he still has his good looks which had increased in charm.

“Because I not only want to be your pal, but I want you to be my gal.”

I blink at him and smirk, “Wow. You were straightforward about that.”

Hiro shrugs and steps closer to me. “We're always straightforward with each other. Especially when you said you weren't sorry about duct taping me to the wall on my room.” He snorts, “Which I still have no clue how got me up there.”

I let him cup my face with his hands and I grin, “Baymax helped.”

Hiro rolls his eyes and chuckles, “Figures.”

“And I'm still not sorry about it like right now. I'm not sorry about liking you all these years.” My hands are holding his wrists as we lean in for a kiss.

My fingers move to grasp my hat and slip it onto Hiro's head, turning it backwards.

I am one lucky gal.

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