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A/N: Hey loves! Welcome to my new story! It's a Tomarry one, if you didn't already know, and I'm really excited for this story, I've been planning this one forever. I absolutely love Tomarry and can't wait to get your feedback. So, without further ado, enjoy the first part!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. All hail Queen Rowling!

Third POV

July 30, 1981

An infant, head full of raven black hair and wide, shining verdant green eyes, watched contentedly as a large black dog ran between the legs of a honey haired man. His mother, a woman with flaming red hair and bright green eyes, and his father, a man with untidy black hair and hazel eyes hidden behind glasses, sat behind him, watching the others antics with a fond smile adorned on their faces. 

The infant was an odd child. He rarely ever cried, unless hurt, and always seemed to stare off at the blank expanse of a burgundy wall. He was an intelligent child as well. Though only a year old, he seemed to understand the words that left others mouths. He responded the best he could, a nod, shake, or some other gesture. No one knew how he could understand how to do such things at his age, but they praised him nonetheless. 

Said infant was currently enjoying pre-birthday excitement, an echoed feeling from the others. He crawled a little closer to his mother and turned his bright green eyes to the mark upon his wrist. To him, it was just strange symbols and an odd design. To others however, it a name and his soulmate mark. Everyone was born with a soulmate, their name and a unique design imprinted on their wrist since birth. They would be able to communicate through thoughts and would share dreams, though only after one had met their soulmate. Once someone had met their soulmate and shared their first dream the marks on their wrist would turn colors, different for each pair. Some would never find their soulmate and they would be alone forever. If someone's soulmate died, then the mark would fade and the name would turn a dark red.

The small group continued to spend the day around the family's current home, Godric's Hollow. They laughed, played, talked, or in the youglings case, babbled, and just enjoyed each others company. 

The next day held many to-be-treasured memories for everyone. The group had gone to the iconic Diagon Alley. They bought books, toys, art supplies, clothes, candy, and even a pet that was hidden from the babe. They were going to take a quick ice cream cake when they, quite literally, bumped into a young man. He wore refined robes that greatly accentuated his sharp, young features of intense crimson eyes and a pale face framed by dark chocolate locks. 

He quickly apologized and helped the group collect their fallen belongings before they could be taken by the streets' vultures. He eyed the young child in his mothers arms curiously. The woman quickly noticed and went to introduce the young child. The man walked a tad closer and hesitantly reached a pale hand to run along the child's cheek. The honey haired man caught a flash of the well known black ink before it disappeared back under the mans sleeve as he moved back. With a soft smile on his face, the young man thanked them and made his leave out of the alley.  

They decided to make the ice cream a to-go order and swiftly made their way home after a tiring couple of hours. To add to their decision, the infant had started to doze off at their last stop and had become rather quiet. The group quickly made to the family's home and migrated to the kitchen to eat their slightly melted ice cream.  

The infant stared at his small portion of vanilla with shimmering sugar crystals. He picked up his spoon and plopped it into his bowl. He stirred the mixture for a while, watching the colors seep from the crystals into the yellow-white glob, before he sent flying onto the ceiling. 

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