today's been hard

61 0 6

Please send love
Alot of arguments
And I'm in the wrong
I'm just so confused.
My hair suddenly got shorter over night and everyone thinks I did it
I didn't
I loved my hair
And now it's gross
I'm so sad
And angry with myself.

I wanted to cut myself (again) but my razor is in my moms bathroom and she was in it.
Note to self: move it to my bathroom.

I plan on doing it tomorrow morning when I'm getting ready for school

I should die.
I'm not helping anyone by being alive.
Not my family
Not my peers
Hell I'm becoming annoying to some folks here
That's why I'm no longer posting on the smut book (except for one more special announcement ;)) but I doubt I'll be alive to make said announcement
I should slit my throat
I wanna do that.
I want pills
So many pills
I miss my pills
I miss my razor
I want to sleep
And sleep
And sleep
And sleep
And sleep
And never wake up
Because I'm not helping anyone by being alive
I'm prob annoying the fuck out of my followers too

I'm just an attention seeking whore. That's all I am.
And that's all I'll ever be.

I'm really really sorry for being alive guys.
I'm so sorry.
You shouldn't have to put up with me.

See you.


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