Jeremy has been doing his best to keep his anger under control lately. "That's not exactly true." He stated through his teeth. Zachery sighed dramatically. "Oh come on mate, don't be such a pansy about it. It was better than me saying that you were ashamed of her!" He said placing his hand flat on the table. Jeremy nodded stiffly. "I think you love this girl." Zachery accused as he got up and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.  

Jeremy stayed quiet and was thankful when Zachery changed the topic. "So you'll both be over at Marcus's tonight?" He questioned while opening up his water. "Yeah, around six." He replied back while finishing off his coffee that was now almost cold. "Cool, I bet Kat is excited. She needs another girl friend to hang around with when the guys hang out. Shelly is not the best company to keep." He said while chuckling.  

Jeremy laughed along with him as he knew Shelly got under Kat's skin a lot. "I'll see you later, mate." Jeremy called over his shoulder as he got up and went back to his office. Jeremy spent the rest of the day on his computer. He was glad that most of his work was done for the day so he didn't need to rush and feel pressured. Although Jeremy worked good under pressure he still enjoyed being able to relax and take his time.

When the work day was coming to an end Jeremy's father came in. "Son, as you know you're mother will be having a little get together on Halloween. She....we would like for you to bring that girlfriend of yours. You know your mother has been dying to meet her and we both agree that it would be the perfect time to introduce her." He said awkwardly.

Jeremy contemplated his father's request for a moment. He figured it probably was a good idea. Elizabella could meet his friends and family and then everyone would get over it. They wouldn't be on his back anymore about it. "Yes, of course. I'm sure Elizabella would love to meet the family." He said to his father in a formal tone. He nodded stiffly. "Good, I'll be sure to let your mother know." He said and turned on his heel and left Jeremy's office.

Jeremy finished up with his work and then packed up his belongings for the day. As he was driving home he dialed Elizabella. "Hey babe, how was work?" She asked sweetly as soon as she picked up. He smiled to himself, he found comfort in hearing her voice after being away from her for long periods of time. "It was OK, so are you ready for later? You know we don't have to go." He said in a hopeful tone even though he already knew there was no way he was getting out of this one. "Jeremy, we are going! You're not going to make us ditch out this time like you did for Mark's wedding!" She said sternly. He chuckled. "It's Marcus, and I didn't make us ditch. I was simply ill." He said calmly. She snorted loudly in disbelief. "You were not ill, Jeremy." She retorted.

Jeremy sighed in defeat. "Are you ready, love?" He asked softly. "Yup!" She chirped. "Good, I'll pick you up at quarter to six." He said. "I'll be here!" She sang while hanging up the phone. Jeremy made his way up to his flat so he could shower and get dressed. He was trying his best to keep his nerves at bay. He knew if he kept worrying about it he would only end up finding a way to ditch out on their plans. He knew he could easily use sex as his weapon, Elizabella was a sucker for it. He loved that about her though because he knew that he was the only who could do that to her.

Jeremy laced up his boots while he sat on the edge of his bed. They were actually starting become a little worn from all the use. He would have to remind himself at a later time that he should pick up a new pair. After he was done dressing himself and making sure that he looked good he walked out into his living room.

He quickly flipped through the mail that was on the coffee table, it was nothing of importance so he threw it away. He checked his fridge and realized he would need to pick up some more orange juice later. Elizabella loved orange juice, she could drink it whenever where as Jeremy only preferred to have some with his breakfast.

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