Chapter Two: Lesson Number One

Start from the beginning

Lastly a man in an odd attire sitting in a chair polishing his bow and arrows. Hawkeye is his name in this society, but I think I heard his real name to be Clint Barton.

I finish observing everyone and snap back into reality. Only to find that everyone is staring at me weirdly. I get embarrassed and my face heats up.

Mr. Stark chuckles at the sight.

"Sooo, this is the new girl? Pretty cute. What's the little mouse's name?" He flirts.

My face heats up again. "U-um I'm (y/n) s-sir." I stutter.

He smiles and says "Welcome to our freak show (y/n)! I'm Tony Stark. Or Ironman. Which ever one you prefer. But you probably already knew that cus I am pretty famous."

Natasha rolls her eyes.

"N-nice to meet you Mr. Stark." I say politely.

Dr. Banner gets up and shakes my hand. "Hi. I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. But you probably know me as The Hulk."

I smile politely and shake his hand.

Clint finally looks up from polishing his arrows and says "I'm Hawkeye. Master assassin."

He then goes back to polishing.

Then Mr. Rogers comes over and shakes my hand. "Hello Miss (y/n). I'm Steve Rogers, or Captain America. Its a pleasure to meet you."

I shake his hand and say "It's a pleasure to meet you too Mr. Rogers."

"Good. Now that you've all introduced yourselves, I think I should tell (y/n) exactly what her job is." a voice says from the door. I turn around and see the man from the laptop.

"I'm Nick Fury. Its nice to see you in person." Mr. Fury says as he walks in and takes a seat.

"So, I'll just come out and say it. We are holding a very dangerous criminal in our facility. Loki. Thor's adopted brother. He's escaped before so we always need someone to watch him. We are all busy and some of our other workers wouldn't stand a chance against him if he got out again. That's why we hired you. You are going to stay here and guard him at all times." Mr. Fury says bluntly.

I can't believe it. They hired me to babysit some criminal? Unbelievable...

"Oh, alright. So how long exactly am I going to be doing this?" I ask.

"Until we find a better way to contain him." Mr. Fury says.

"Oh, okay." I say not satisfied with the answer.

Nick then get up and says "Thor will show you to his prison when you're ready." He then leaves.

Tony bursts out laughing. "That must suck! Babysitting Reindeer Games? Yuck!"

"You shouldn't rub it in Tony." Mr. Rogers scolds Tony.

"Oh shush Capcicle!" Tony continues laughing.

Thor then leads me out of the room. He walks through more of the maze of hallways.

"He may have made many mistakes in the past, but he is still my brother. Although he probably does not deserve it, would you please be kind to Loki? He may seem nasty and devilish, but he is really just lost and broken. So, would you please just be gentle with him?" Thor asks kindly.

"Of course Thor. I'm here to guard him, not bully him." I say

"Thank you lady (y/n)" Thor says.

We reach Loki's prison and Thor unlocks the door. We walk inside and I can see Loki clearly this time. He's actually quite attractive. He notices me staring and smirks a bit. That smirk sent chilled running down my entire body.

"Why hello Thor. It seems as though you've brought me yet another toy to play with." Loki says in a husky voice.

I blush. A toy?! What does that mean?!

Loki notices my blushing face and smirks, sending chills through me again.

"This is (y/n). She is going to be your new guard. Please behave, Loki." Thor says giving Loki a look.

"Of course brother. Its a pleasure to meet you lady (y/n)." Loki says bowing.

I blush again and say "Its nice to meet you as well Loki sir."

His eyes shine with mischief, but I'm still sucked in by them. Thor then nods and leaves. All my things are already here.

Feeling awkward, I walk over to my things and grab my back with my laptop. I then sit down on the floor and open it up.

I use my computer for a while. Loki is annoyed that I'm not paying any attention to him.

"Ahem... Aren't you supposed to be watching me not that pathetic mortal garbage?" He snaps.

I look up and say "W-well yes, but since you're not trying to get out, I don't see why I can't do other things. When you feel like escaping, tell me and I'll put down my laptop."

I then continue to use my laptop. Loki crosses his arms irritated. He then smirks a wicked smirk.

I don't pay attention to what Loki is doing. I am focused on playing a game. I then hear soft laughing. Its as though Loki was next to me.

"You know, its quite rude to ignore someone." I hear him say as if he's so close.

I look up from my laptop and see him inches away from me. I let out a little shriek. I inch back to the wall as he get closer.

"Oh good, I've finally gotten your attention." he says

I then go to tackle him to get him back in his prison, but he vanishes.

"Have you learned your lesson to not ignore me?" Loki asks deviously.

I turn and see him back in his prison. I gulp and nod.

So he uses illusion magic. That could defiantly be a problem. I should be very careful with this one.

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