Apologies My Friends

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I am here not to finish my story, but to apologize to my lovely readers. I've been very inconsistent with my writing and its been hard to keep up with the demand for more. I obviously ran out of ideas for this fabric and I would like to apologize for that. I was going to end the fabric in the next chapter by having you, lovely readers, go to asguard with Loki to serve as a guard there. I, unfortunately, will not be writing that chapter. You all probably don't care by now anyways, but I felt bad about not writing anything for such a long time. I know a lot of you are probably mad. (I've gotten angry emails about my inconsistency of writing...) And you have every right to be. Ivemjust lost the feel to this story. I still love Loki very much,I just don't feel my story as much as I did. I again apologize for not writing anything in forever I just have had a lot of struggles going that prevented me for writing. I again apologize because I know the feeling of an awful fabric writer not give me what I want! So I feel your pain... I hopefully will be able to write more stories and fabrics in the future. I won't delete this fanfic, but I'll just set it as completed. I hope you lovely fangirls stay Loki Lovers for a long time. Remember, Loki will always be at your side. He always loves you, even when the feels makes us a sobbing mess over the death of a favorite fictional character. I hope to see you all in future fanfics, but for not I bid thee farewell.

Broken (Loki x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα