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~Breezy P.O.V.~

I sat there staring at that note. "Redrum." I said to myself. "Why was Trey murdered." I said under my breath.

For the first time in my life I felt responsible for a death that shouldn't have happened. I just watched as Trey was killed. This was all planned. By who? I don't know but they were clearly after Trey.

"Chris! Chris wake up! You're freaking me out!" Chelsea screamed as she was violently shaking me. "Are you okay?"

I sat up and held my head. I felt like I was on fire. I felt my shirt was soaked with sweat and I was breathing too hard and fast.

"You're burning up, please say something." She plead. She slipped off my shirt for me and tossed it to the side.

"I just had a really trippy dream. That's all. I'm good Chelsea." I said. "I swear I'm alright." That's now the same dream twice, just this one felt so real and there was more to this one I probably didn't get to the first time.

"You were saying 'Redrum' and tossing so much. It was freaking me out." She had grabbed a towel out of my bathroom and handed it to me.

"It's nothin' Chelsea. I promise you I'm fine." I said with a smile. I needa tell Trey about this shit.

"Alright." She said. I wasn't convinced she was just gonna drop this.

"Can I get a hug?" I asked opening my arms. She smiled shyly and crawled right into my embrace. "Thank you." I said repetitively kissing her temple.

"You're welcome. So since you're up, what should we do?" She asked as she turned around in my lap so her back was up against my chest.

"I need to go talk to Trey real quick and then after I'll see if Brie, Trey, You and I can go do something. Like a double date." I was feelin' her up and I 'ont even know what the hell I was feelin', but I liked it.

"I like where your hands are." She whispered. You and I both. "But alright, just let me know what's going on." She pulled out of my embrace and fixed her hoodie. "Hit me up later on."

"You already know I will." She gave me a kiss before walking out of my room. I got out of bed and headed straight for my shower.

~Trey P.O.V.~

"Breezy, what's poppin'?" I asked with a laugh as he came into my backyard from the side gate. "You straight?"

"Nah, a while ago I had a weird ass dream that we were in some building and it collapsed. You was in there and I basically watched you die. I took a nap today and that same dream happened again, except this time there was a note that said 'Redrum'. It felt so fuckin' real, Chelsea was freakin' out because she thought something was wrong while I was sleeping." He said running his hand through his blonde mess of curls.

"Holy shit. This was the second time?" He nodded. "We should go to one of those dream interpreters and see what they said. Why 'Redrum'?"

"It's murder spelt backwards. So you were murdered but I don't know who killed you." He grabbed a coke from the cooler that was in between us and popped the top.

"That's some freaky shit. It ain't anything Breezy. I get weird ass dreams all the time. You're probably just upset at how we all lost Javier and your conscious is probably just putting you in a situation where you lost me. Just chill." I said dapping him.

"The mind got some sick twisted shit going on. Why couldn't it have been a dream where I was about to get it in with like Blac Chyna or some shit like that." He laughed.

"Lord only knows what goes on in your subconscious mind. It felt real?"

"Yeah. Like I could feel the debris dropping on me and then picking up the paper. It was hella weird."

"You're not gonna trip over it anymore are you?"

"Nah, I'm over it now. Let's go on a double date with the honeys."

"Let's do it. I'ma hit up Brie." I pulled out my phone. "What should we do? I wanna go bowling."

"I'm down." Breezy said nose deep in his phone.

I took a second to think about the word 'Redrum'.

These streets have been real quiet since Uncle Javier's death. It's almost like other gangs don't even make their deals in broad daylight anymore. It's all done in secrecy.

When word got around about the homicide - suicide from IRG, it was like gangs realized just how deadly this game really is. Rico's death and what he managed to accomplish behind bars also raised the stakes. That Gang Leaders will do anything and everything to keep money flowing into their empire.

I personally know other gangs are waiting for a weak moment in IRG. The fact and IRG territory was busted, in Houston, managed to trigger the mind set of other gangs. That IRG can be taken down if the right approach is used.

Since IRG was managed to be busted, other big gangs like NBG have decided to pull out of this game with what they have. That's a smart move but what does that prove to others? That shows just how weak that gang really was, and I'm not a weak person, so this gang isn't about to be weak either.

If murder is the name of the game for IRG to remain on top, then you might as well call it "Redrum".

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