"Haih... Fine.. I didn't tell you because I was embarrassed okay? The other day, once you sent me home..You left me on the floor right? I climbed upstairs by myself and entered the wrong room. I entered the guest room. That day, Kla stayed over at my place. He and my brother are best friends. My brother was not well so he stayed over. And... and then... I... and then.. I.. I..." I tried explaining to him but my words were stuck at my throat. I could feel the heat rushed to my face.

"And then what? What happened? You what? Eh, why is your face so red? You having fever?" Type asked as he tried touching my forehead but I avoided his hand before he touched me.

"No, I don't have a fever. Just feeling a bit hot. Erm.. Haih.. must I say it? You know... what people do.. you should knoww" I told him touching my face with both of my palms.

"No, I don't know. If you don't tell me, how am I supposed to know? Type looked at me with a frown.

"ARGHH!!!! SEX!!! We had SEX. Clear enough to you now? I FREAKING JUMPED ON HIM. Guess what?! Even then, I jumped on him... I was the victim okay? I took it up my ass. Arghh!!!! And what's up with your family and all those stupid traditions? Just because of one night, I have to marry him cause I took away his first time? But, my ass got handed too. How unfair is that?!" I said as I covered my face.

"Oh... That's what happened.. I see... That's why you married him? His family tradition, so you were forced to marry him?"Type asked me.

"Yeah. I tried negotiating. But everyone said I should take responsibility and family tradition. Shit! I have to marry someone younger than me! and to make things worse.. I am the bottom one! Why is your family so weird?!"I told Type in frustration.

Huh? Since when we had family tradition involving first time of coitus? Heh.. Look like that cousin of mine seriously wants this best friend of mine, huh? Possessive much? Fine. Since you've helped me before, Kla.. I will help you this time.. Type told himself internally and smiled at Techno before saying "It's not weird, Pern (friend).. It's just tradition..Don't worry, I know Kla.. He won't mistreat you. In fact, you'll be pampered and spoiled by him. There is one part however you got to be careful of.. He is extremely possessive.. I can tell you this much about my cousin..."Type looked at Techno and smiled earnestly.

"What do you mean possessive? Eh Type, do you have any idea how can I get him out of this mess? Help me na.." I tried asking Type for help.

"That mark of yours shows it all. Ai'No, I can't help you with this. But if you need any advice or need someone to lend a ear.. I am here.. I can only tell you one thing. Don't try to run away from him. You won't be able to outrun him. Since you're in this situation, how about you just learn to love him and give him a chance? He is a nice guy."Type said to me as he smiled and pointed to the mark on my neck.

"What mark?"I panicked and covered my neck with the hand at the area Type pointed to. That little brat! He purposely did this, didn't he? My face was so red. I was so ashamed in front of Type.

"That love mark. Don't try to hide it, No.. If he sees it covered, he will give you at an even more obvious place where you can't hide it then. Rules of our family is such.. Marks are to be worn proudly.. not covered.. Even Tharn has one.." Type explained to me.

"But how am I supposed to meet people with such and obvious mark.." I whined at Type.

"Why should you be ashamed? Nobody knows who is your partner anyways. And even of they know, what can they do about it? It's your own husband. Who are you trying to impress? One warning, Ai'No.. Don't cheat on him... There are eyes everywhere. If he knows, you cheated or you get caught cheating.. He'll leave you for real no matter how much he loves and cares bout you. He'll obliterate you from his life.. It's not only applied to you.. It's everyone in the family.." Type told me seriously.

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