Just imagine a creative title here okay

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Natalie here. I just would like to say to the people who stumble upon.. This, we will add more parts. What are the stories gonna be about? No one knows. We will just write random stories, be it things that happening in real life or made up stories. We might post stories constantly, or maybe it'll be slower. Either way, we will have lots of random stories eventually. We are 7 people sharing an account, meaning there's no single author. We all will write different things. That being said, I should say the members of this group. I'm Natalie, (A.K.A SRC) Then in the group is Emery (A.KA Edgy), then there's Sarah, who made the first page, and then Floof, then there's Lexi, and Sam, and then there's Latios. We are all LGBT here, hence the name. I would also like to get on to the pairings we have here. By that I mean yes we date each other in this squad. And these "ships," I guess you can call them that, are all "canon." I know I can't call things in real life "Canon", I just have no idea what to call it. I'm not good with words and writing.

Natalie x Emery
Sarah x Floof
Lexi x Sam
And then there's Latios, but he'll get a boyfriend or girlfriend soon, just you wait.

Anyways, that's all I got to say for now, sorry for being cringy, anyways this is it.

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