Camille Leon

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6:46 PM
Downtown New York City

Camille strutted down the runway in front of thousands of people. The auditorium roared with screams and whistles as she stopped at the front of the stage. She struck a generic pose, then turned back around. Her heels clacked on the stage, only to be cancelled out by the continues screams and claps. She finally got to the end of the stage, and walked through the curtains. When the curtains shut behind her, she swatted some hair back behind her shoulder with a satisfied grin.

She walked backstage toward her dressing room passing by every stagehand, Director, choreographer and tech who put the show together. Dozens of them lit her up with compliments as she walked by.

"Great show tonight, Ms. Leon!"

"I know."

"You looked amazing out there!"

"Of course I did."

"Hey Camille! Do you remember me?"

"I sure don't."

"Camille! Please go on a date with me!"

"I'm too important."

Every single person that positively greeted her, was met with selfish remarks from the girl. She smiled and walked with her eyes narrowed, feeling the love and affection she had always gotten from her fans.

When she finally made it to her dressing room, she stopped and pulled up her pants by the belt loops to outline the shape of her butt. She always loved teasing the fans who would be watching her figure, in this case the young stagehands.

She finally needed her personal room, and shut the door behind her. "Wow, I'm just so perfect." The narcissistic woman smiled, and reached for the light switch.



Something hard hit her in the back of the head with a loud crashing sound. She hit the ground with a hard thud, barely conscience in her dark room.

"Oh my god, Ron!"
"Sorry! I grabbed the wrong thing."

Two voice were all Camille could ponder in the blackness. Her view was blurred, not that she could tell. And the two voices sounded familiar.

"You confused a plastic pole with a wooden chair?!"
"Hey—I just grabbed and swung okay!"

Camille finally blacked out, hearing the two voices one last time.

"Wakey wakey, megalomaniac." A snarky voice woke up the blonde woman.
"What... where am I—

"Don't worry about it." The same female voice said, but in a more unwelcoming tone. Her blurry vision started to clear as she opened her eyes. She could make out she was in some sort of dark warehouse. She was tied to a worn wooden chair, with a thick rope around her and the back of the chair. Only one of the massive lights was on, and it was the one right above them.

As her view finally become obtainable, she saw the outline of a redhead. And another of a blonde shaggy haired person, around the same height, if not barely taller.

"Oh god." The woman said in disgust, finally aware of who the two perps were. As soon as her vision was clear, she realized she made the right guess. She saw Kim Possible and... the other guy..?

"It's been a while, Kim." The woman slightly smirked. "Tell me, how's the runaway life?"

"I'm not here for games, Camille." Kim crosses her arms across her chest.

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