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Hi, I'm Hazel Green I am 16 almost 17. I have long blonde hair past my bum. I'm about 5'4. My best friend is Reece. We do vines and I usally sing on YouTube. I'm not the most popular girl in school. I get bullied ... by my brothers best friend. Matthew Espinosa..

Hey, I'm Nick Green Hazel's sister. I'm 17. I'm 5'9 and me and My best friend Matt are always together. We are like the clichè "popular group".

I'm Reese, Hazel's Best friend. I'm 16 and 5'6 I have long brown hair about to my waist. I help Hazel through her rough times. I'm about the only one there for her besides her brother. her partents are always away.

I'm Matt, you probally know me. I'm 5'11 and 17. My best friend Nick he's practically my brother. we do vines and youtube. I'm known for. I'm the most popular dude in school.  I have a little crush on Hazel . but nobody knows.

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