"OoOoo! Someone is looking yucky" Ira said, faking a polite tone and walked out of there, waving bye at them.

She directly went to the kitchen, washed her hands and asked the cook, "What should I do?"

"You are late, you lazy idiot. Asking what should I do? Cut these vegetables but before that, go get me a sack of rice from the store room" the lady who was supervising the orphan girls cooking, commanded.

Ira looked at her with wide eyes and asked, "Do you think I'm a superwoman, who would get you that huge sack all alone?"

"Listen, don't you dare argue..."

"Ira, Ma'am is calling you" a little girl came running and informed, cutting the head cook off.

"What did you do again?" A girl from the cooks asked, half wondering and half laughing.

"Nothing, sister. I never do anything" Ira curled her lips like an innocent kid and shook both her hands as no. She gave a mischievous smile to the head cook and ran out of the kitchen, more like dancing.

"She got an excuse to escape" the head cook commented, shaking her head.

"Don't worry, she'll be back with a bigger punishment" another lady said, making others laugh.

Every single person at the orphanage knows about Ira and the punishments she receives. There might not be a single day when she wasn't punished. But she wasn't sad about that nor she lets that affect her mood. She never loses her cool and accepts whatever task she is given as a punishment and tries to complete that by giving her best. She always gives herself hope that she would be going out of that place very soon and her sufferings were only temporary.

"May I come in, Ma'am?" She knocked on the door of the head lady, who runs the orphanage.

"Come in" came a rude voice and she went inside.

As expected, both the girls she threw water on were standing there, crying. Water dripping from their hair and clothes. A giggle escaped Ira's lips.

"Shut your mouth" yelled the head lady, making Ira actually shut her mouth with both her hands. Mary came in a hurry and stood beside the table, folding her hands in respect to the head lady. Somebody must have told her and she came running to take Ira's class, as she was in charge of her.

"There isn't a day since years I hadn't had her standing in my cabin. She never fails to cause trouble. She's is such a..." That lady stood up, hitting her hands fiercely on the wooden desk, making everyone flinch.

"Let me handle her, Ma'am" Mary came in between and twisted Ira's ears, making her scream in pain.

"Say sorry to them" she commanded, holding her ear tight.

"It wasn't my fault, Mary. They started it first" Ira defended herself, only to scream more loudly as Mary twisted her ear painfully. She turned to those girls who were smirking. She would have apologised if they looked sorry for what they did, but their smirk made her yell, "No. I won't apologize to them"

"Ira" Mary warned, still holding her ear between her thumb and index finger but she shook her head as no.

"She won't listen this way. She should be severely punished" the head lady interfered, spatting in anger.

"Yes, ma'am you are right. She should be punished. Ira, wash all the dirty dishes from dinner" Mary spoke before the head lady would announce the punishment.

"Again?" Ira asked. "I have received this punishment way too many times. I was expecting something different this time. I...." Ira whined but was cut off by the head lady, "Shut up! Mary, don't give her food tonight. Let her starve".

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