
"Don't make me turn this car around," you said jokingly. Zach climbed over Keith and got out. He knocked on the passenger window. You rolled it down.

"There something you need, Zach?"

"I just wanted to say my last goodbyes to my car," he said.

"Zach, you'll see it in the morning." you told him.

"Goodbye car. Please don't get stolen. Be good for (Y/N)," he said, placing a kiss on the door.

"Zach, go home. You're drunk. You have to go feed Bowie, remember? You were telling me all about him during pizza."

"Bowie," he repeated.

"Bye you guys, gotta go feed Bowie," he said waving. You waved back.

"And don't ruin my car!" he shouted. You solluted goodbye.

"My turn," Keith said.

"One sec, I just want to make sure Zach doesn't die while trying to get in his house."

Everyone watched as Zach fumbled around his keys and try to get inside. He trudged inside and slammed the door.

"I think he's okay now.....Keith where's your house?" Keith told you and you drove a short amount of time to get there.

"Keith, house, get inside."

He woke up from his daze and fell out the door.

"You alright?" you asked.

"Yeah, caught myself before I could fall." he said.

"Bye Keith!" Ned shouted. He shut the door and waved from the outside.

"Bye friend chicklets!" he yelled.

"What's he call us?" you asked.

"I....I don't know." Ned replied.

After watching him stumble inside, getting greeted by his wife, you asked Ned, "Wanna get in front?"

"But Zach said not to ruin his car," he said. What does that have to do with getting in front?

"What Zach doesn't know, doesn't hurt him." you said. Ned climbed ver the center piece of the car and plopped in the seat.

"Buckles," you reminded him. He slid on the belt and clicked it in.

"So where am I heading to?" you asked, looking at him.

"Go that way, and then that way, and you're there." he said also using his hands to explain.

"You guys live close," you observed. The car had started again and you cruised down the streets. It was a fast and easy drive. You had a chance to listen to a decent song on the radio before dropping him off.

"Nice house," you complimented.

"Thanks," He got out of the car and shut the door. You rolled down the window.

"Did you send that email?" he asked.

Oops. You had forgotten about an email he sent to you about the big company person who needed some stats.

You face palmed. 

"Take that as a no?"

"It blew my mind. I just have to write a few more sentences and I should be-"

"Come in and finish it!" he suggested.

"I don't know, it's late and we both need rest," you said.

"Nonsense. Sleep smleep. I gotta do some work too, so are you in?" he asked.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." you said, turning off the car. You grabbed your laptop bag and followed Ned inside.

Inside was a semi-neat layout. It was nicer than what you had imagined.

"You can set your stuff here," he said, pointing to the bar. You shyly placed your stuff down and observed the area.

"Do you live here with a girlfriend?" you asked.

"No, not at the moment. I haven't dated in a while," he said. He offered you a drink, but denied remembering you had to drive home.

"Now on that email," you said, opening the laptop. You scanned the screen for the Mail icon and clicked it. Under Drafts was your email almost ready to be sent. Ned fetched his laptop and started typing away.

You were on a writer's block.You were having difficulties with the conclusion. Ned, seeing the distraught on your face, asked what was the matter.

"I gotta end this email, but can't think of  way other than awkward." you admitted.

"Be formal, but not too formal. Try to be loose, but not like your high." he said.

"It's like when Zach was photoshopped into a women and the photogragher told him to be 'hard but soft; firece but innocent'" you joked. He laughed.

"I guess my only tip would be is be professional. The owner of BuzzFeed is not really going to care  about the ending. He's going to look at the information and probably skim the rest of it,"

"Right," you said. "Thanks."

"No probs,"

After a few minutes of typing and rediting, you were done and had sent the email.

You sighed. "Email sent," you said.

"Woohoo," Ned called out, waving his unoccupied hand in the the air but still looking at the screen.

"Whatcha working on?" you asked.

"Try Guys vlog. The producer said it'd be better if we edited it ourselves for 'original purposes.'" he answered.

"Having trouble?"

"I can't-" he began. You got out of the stool and came to his side.

"It's because you didn't copy it," you replied, looking at the situation.

"What?! How did I not realize that before?" he exclaimed. You laughed.

"Sometimes when you work at BuzzFeed your brain can sometimes- bleh," you said, motioning exploding. He agreed. After a while, he was once again confuzed.

"Press down alt, controll, and R," you solved.

"Oh, I see."


The both of you contiuned to work for hours. You ended up having to teach him things about video editing. You frequently moved spots in his house. One second you were in the kitchen, snacking at working. Another second was spent sitting side by side on the couch. Other seconds were taken place on the floor. It was fun working with eith two people.

You cursed.


"Look at the time."

3:17 am

He cursed too.

"Three hours of sleep won't do me much," you said.

"You can crash here if you want," he offered. After a while of thinking about it, it was decided that was the best.

After convincing him that you were fine on the couch (and after refusing many offers of sleeping on his bed and him sleeping on the couch), you settled in.

"Night," he said, switching off the lights.

"Night." you whispered back.

You drifted off to sleep soon after.

You guys weren't into each other. Ned was trying to make a good impression and you were trying to make some friends. Ned did enjoy having you around, and as much as he denys it, he constantly needs your help with computer things. You felt the same for him, which made you two offical friends.

You guys didn't like like eachother. Not yet anyways.

Ned Fulmer X Reader \\Leaving BuzzFeed\\حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن