Chapter 2

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Second Person POV:

After a long day at the office, you had the chance to meet some of the people. Unfortunately not Ned and Eugene but some other friendly faces. The note your boss had written to you was a big deal. Everyone had been chasing that job ever since the manager quit his job after a refusal of an impossible raise. 

The next morning you knocked on her door. She answered with another warm smile.

"(Y/N)! What can I do for you?" she asked.

"Mrs. Gail, I mean- Barb, you wrote me something at the bottom of one of my papers and-"

"And do you think you'll be interested?" she asked, crossing her fingers and slightly bending backward.


"Look, (Y/N), this job won't be open again. There's been a job opening for this since the beginning of this year and if I don't fill in a manager the big boss will get me in so much trouble. You may be a newbie but I've looked at your work. You got a couple of degrees in stuff I can't even try to do. The point is, I trust you. I contacted some of your college professors and they said they loved you. I want you to be the manager. So if you're not doing it for anyone else, can you do it for me?" she asked.

"I'll do it," you blurted.

"Will I also be able to keep my office job?" you asked.

"Of course, just half of the time you'll be out and about with the Try Guys."

"When do I start?"

"Today! You'll have to meet them first-"

"I've met Keith and Zach already."

"Excellent! Now go meet the other two sometime today."

And with that, you were now manager.


"Holy- (Y/N) that's huge! Congrats!" Zach shouted. You rubbed the bridge of your nose. It was the end of the work day at BuzzFeed.

"It's my second day though, how can I possibly become a manager from the time I've been here?" you asked him.

"Don't sweat it. You'll be great, right Keith?"

"Right!" Keith shouted, shoving a hot dog down his throat.

"When do you think I'll be able to meet Ned and Eugene? Boss said to meet them before the end of the day,"

"I think Ned's shooting some hoops right now, we can go check," Zach suggested. You followed them outside, where Ned and a few others were running in the heat.

You put your shades on before you walked outside in the heat. You recognized him from the court.

"Hey Ned!" Zach shouted. Ned looked over at him. Zach motioned his arms to come over. Ned called to the guys playing, "Pause!"

He jogged over to the group of three. "Hey," he greeted, putting his hands on his hips.

"This is our new manager, (Y/N)." Zach introduced. Ned glanced at you.

"It's nice to meet you!" he exclaimed, extending a hand. You shook his hand and gave a warm smile.

"The pleasure is mine!"

"Now where is- oh there he is. Eugene! Eugene!" the small man shouted. Eugene was walking to his car. He was probably on his lunch break.Eugene stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly.

Ned Fulmer X Reader \\Leaving BuzzFeed\\Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum