Day 15 Out of control

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“Rohan come on don't be like that.”

Rohan stares down at you with the I am done with you stare. “It was just a couple of days and well I can't change who I am and you knew that very well. Just cuz we had sex doesn't mean I feel anything for him.”

His finger tapping on the table makes you go quiet realizing he is not interested. “I know very well how you are and I know I can't change you because your stand can mimic other stands abilities. So no point in me even” flipping the table he uses heavens door to open the pages on your face. “Trying to fix what happened between you both but there is not point in you needing the memories am I right?” Sliding the pages down he tears some of the days away.

“Rohan you are being a dildo! How about all those girls you draw. Oh Rohan draw me like one of your French girls.” Mimicking one of his past models Rohan gasps. “How dare you play that card with me!”

Pushing him off you run to the other side of the room seeing the blades in his threatening gaze. “What chu gonna do? What chu gonna do?”

Rohan hisses charging at you.

Running out of the house he chases after you and all you can hear is Dio's voice. “RRRRUN BISH!”

God he would be so much more helpful if he actually did something. Looking over your shoulder you see Rohans dead face so close to you.

Letting out a creeped out scream your legs start moving like the gears of a bicycle passing Josuke who just saw the cloud of dirt. “Was that?”

A heavy breathing brings his attention to Rohan who reaches out to support himself on Josukes shoulder. Breathing heavily Rohan looks at the bottled water Josukes has in his hand.

“Thanks.” Taking the bottle he chugs it down crunching the bottle in his fist as he starts running again. “I never saw Rohan as a cardio type of person. Than again y/n must have done something big this time. Honestly I can't understand how those two are still even together. Y/n is different she's her own person living in her own world. Kinda selfish as well. Rohan, well nevermind I guess those two are meant for each other. Just don't know how Rohan can always forgive her. They must really love each other.”

The entire time you were running you were making a noise that annoyed the hell out of you but for some reason helped you continue running.

“Ni Ni Ni Ni danana Ni Ni Ni Ni dananan.” Running into the street you meet with bright lights of a bus and the honking.

“DAAAANANANA!” shouting out the random noise was all the people heard. The bus continued to drive as you laid on the ground flat standing back up you sigh in relief on your quick thinking of laying on the ground. “Wow how long have I been running. Wait why was I running?” Looking around at the place you don't recognize you retrace your steps with your arms behind your head.

Sliding in your earphones you shake your head dancing around and spinning on the light poles. Grabbing a woman by her arm you twerl her around and pull her close dancing with her. Letting her go you take long steps moving your head to the right and to the left figuring out which way to go. Turning left you take the skateboard of a kid who isn't paying attention and you start to skateboard. A park seemed to be close by with a water fountain and a kid stood there crying.

Stopping you lean next to the kid curious on his tears but it seems that the boy doesn't notice you.

“What you crying about little fella?”

The boy stops his black eyes meeting your eyes. “I told this girl I liked that she was ugly and she said no your mom but Mom insnt. But Mom told me to just open up to the girl and ask her out so I did and she said no your mom.” The kid starts crying and you lick his face tasting his tears.

“The taste of failure and rejection is so sweet.”

Humming softly you leave the boy alone to stare in shock. “Hey that's my skateboard!” The voice of the boy you stole the skateboard comes running in with his friends. “Hehe.”

Turning around you pop your knuckles missing these type of days. You are nothing more but an actual trouble maker.

“Yeah after some time we were able to get her in the police car after we agreed to buy her, her favorite kind of coffee. She's a handful we had to give her a private cell so she wouldn't sexually harass the others.”

The officer reports to another officer who listens eyes wide open.

“Excuse me gentleman. But I am here to bail y/n out.” Kira steps in with his suitcase as the police officers look at him so lost. Like who the hell would bail you!

“Ugh yeah sure.” Kira signs all the papers needed and finally pays it off.

The cell gate slides open and you step out with a nervous smile. “The offices told me everything. Let's go.” Kira turns his back and you follow along flicking the officers off.

“That kid has issues. What is he a lawyer? Her father? I'm lost and confused. She must come from a wealthy family that's why she does so much damage.” both officers agree with each other.

“Wow what did you cook?” Walking beside Kira with your arms behind your head Kira opens the passenger door letting you in. “Nothing for you.” Closing the door he gets into the drivers side turning onto he engine. “Depressed.”

Kira shakes his head from your comment while you cleaned under your nails. “Why do you do what you do?” Okay uhm wow that question has never been asked to you. “Well. Why do you like hands?”

Kira blinks a couple of times confused. “Doing stupid things and being arrested is a fetish for you?”

A choking sound is heard as he turns to see you struggling the safety belt that's around your neck. “What he hell!” Stopping the car on the side he tries to help you. “No I want to die with a safety belt! I want to die feeling safe!” You let your the words between you lack of oxygen as your face turns blue. Kira finally frees you sitting back to rest his head in his palm. “Honestly why?”

“Because!” You say cheerfully as if nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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