Imagine 1

286 6 4

{Alex Gaskarth Imagine}

*It was another morning, you waking up to Blink playing on your alarm clock again. You let it play as you get ready. You have a bit of a dance party in your room with your hairbrush jamming along to the music. You hear a knock at the door. You go answer it with your wet hair. You open it and it was Rian.*

"Hey dude." ~ You

You and him both laugh.

"I just wanted to visit." ~ Rian

"At 8 in the morning what is up?" ~ you

"Can I come in?" ~ Rian

"Yeah, sure come on in." ~ Rian

*You have known Rian since elementary school and have been buddies since. You walk back into the bathroom to finish getting ready and he sits on your bed talking to you.*

"So y/n you've never met the guys have you?" ~ Rian

"No why?" ~ You

"Well we are practicing and I figured why the hell not invite my sister." ~ Rian

You laugh.

"Dude I'm not your sister." ~ You

"But you are basically like one." ~ Rian

"Oh I see." ~ You

"So I wanted to know if you would mind coming to meet them later, practice is around 12 at Jack's. Oh here *he says handing you Jack's address.* I know you have never been over there so I got you his address, and if you need help with directions just call." ~ Rian

"Thanks dude I really appreciate it." ~ You

You say as you go in to hug him.

"No prob sis." ~ Rian

"Seriously Ri I'm not your sister. ~ You

You say laughing again.

"Well in my world you are." ~ Rian

"God Rian." ~ You

"Okay, well I have to go. Don't forget be there by 12 and Jack's is serving lunch, pretty much Taco Bell. See ya later sis, can't wait for you to meet them." ~ Rian

Spoke as he walked towards the sort as you let him out.

"Okay, 12. What to so before then, oh yeah Music store it tally opens by 9am." ~ You

*You finished up and grabbed your wallet and keys heading towards the door you say goodbye to your little pug, Peter.*

You get to the music store and browse through the vinyls, so many amazing bands and artists from when you were young. You see a limited edition Blink vinyl and go for it, but another persons hand covers yours. You blush with nervousness. You turn to each other and you both smile.

"Oh I'm sorry did you want it, here you can take it." ~ Alex

"Oh umm Thanks. You didn't have to let me have it." ~ You

"Oh no it's okay you grabbed it first. You a big fan of Blink huh." ~ Alex

You both laughed.

"Hell yeah I do they are basically my favorite besides Green Day, and a bunch of other bands." ~ You

"Oh it is. Is it." ~ Alex

"Yep. That's correct I love the 80's and 90' music a lot I actually grew up with it so it means a lot to me." ~ You

"Well you are not alone." ~ Alex

You both laugh.

"Well I got to look for some Green Day, maybe we could hang sometime, here's my number." ~ Alex

He smiles and heads off.

"Fuck. I didn't get his name." ~ You

You head off and grab a few more and check out then head home to put them in the record player and jam. About a couple hours after jamming it was about 11:45.

"Fuck it's almost 12 I should head out, okay okay where is the paper Rian have you oh yeah my wallet. Okay I'm ready. Let's go, I will be home later Peter no eating my couch. Okay? Okay." ~ You

You head on over while on the phone with Rian.

"Okay, I'm on my way Rian, would you mind helping me with directions a bit." ~ You

"No problem see you there. Okay you turn left first..." ~ Rian

You finally go to Jack's and Rian was standing outside waiting for you. You got out and joined him.

"You made it. I'm glad come on let's of meet the guys." ~ Rian

He leads you in and they are all in the kitchen. They all smile and wave and Alex just stands there in shock.

"Hey, guys this is y/n. I've known her since 1st grade, she is practically family." ~ Rian

"Y/n? You know Rian?" ~ Alex

"So your Alex? And yeah I've known Rian. Shouldn't have just left me without your name at the shop." ~ You

"Oh, so that's the hilarious pretty girl from the music store you met today." ~ Jack blurted out.

Alex punched him in the arm signaling him to shut up.

You smile and blush a bit.

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