
Start from the beginning

"Wade I think you're strong," Colossus smiles.

"I think that's what you get for thinking", Wade says as he begins to walk away.

"Wade you have a good heart!", he says in defense proudly holding his faith for him.

"I don't know about that anymore. If only you knew what I do when you're all are not around...", Wade whispers that last part expecting him not to hear but Colossus heard it clearly. "Are we done? I gotta go." Without Colossus saying yes or no Wade walks away and out the school.

"Poor Wade...", Colossus whispers, "She's in a better place...".

After leaving the school, (which was 5 hours ago) DeadPool has been stuffing his face with Burritos non-stop as well as drinking. At this point he was just a dead drunk, swallowing everything and anything without even thinking anymore. He couldn't feel it and he loathed the satisfaction.

"Alright Wade, I think you've had enough," Weasel warns patting his shoulder. It was near midnight and very close to closing time. Wade and Tim where the only ones left, but Wade was the only one awake and still drinking.

Weasel comes from around the counter and taps on Tim to wake the sleeping man. "I just need a few more I'm not ready to go yet" ,Wade replied sluggishly.

"Wade it's closing time and", as Weasel was helping Tim out the door he puked on his navy blue shirt and then stumbled outside, "I really wanna go home please."

Wade groan and gets up stretching his back out. His mask rested in his pocket while his suit was still on. "Okay, I'll leave...only because I'm starting to feel queasy."

Wade stumbles towards the exit and looks over at Weasel and waves lazily at him. "See ya later bud," he groans towards Weasel as he sees the green disgusting mess on his shirt.

Wade stumbled down the streets of Manhattan attempting not barf on his suit as well as inside his mouth which he's done multiple time and swallowed. Instead of going to the school, he decided to just head to Blind Al's house and sniff some cocaine he has stashed there.

For a moment, it seems quite on the streets which was weird since there were always cars on this road and for some reason trouble on every corner. Wade trails down the sidewalk as moves slowly into the street to head over towards the other side as he was being followed by a car that had just appeared on the road. The car passes in front of him. He attempts to try and stop it but stumbles to the ground and throws up immediately when he land on his stomach.

He does this for about a minute or two and rolls over and lays down on the street a few inches away from the puke. His stomach then growls.

Wade, you're a mess you know that?

"Wow...thanks for pointing out the obvious" ,he groans.

Wade! Get up!


Just do it something wrong!

"What do yo—".

As explosives suddenly jerks Wade's attention. It looks far away but it's seen clearly as it erupts height into the sky. Wade quickly props himself up. He looks around fancily. "What was that?"

I don't know...

"But you're the—". Another explosion goes off and suddenly Wade springs to action towards the action. Suddenly all the drunkenness fades away as he runs Olympic style towards the heat of the explosion. To his shock all of this is happening in Queens which was very close to Manhattan street.

He clearly couldn't see very good from where he was so he see climbs a near building and then jumps them like he did earlier of this morning when being chased by Spiderman. He jumps to one and stabs it with him katana and then doing the same with his other climbing up the wall since clearly he was mildly still drunk and couldn't grip properly.

Once he makes it to the top he rests for a moment (a long moment at that) and then stands up. He looks around and realizes he's seeing the action in the center of Queens whole fight down below. Cars are flying (literally) as well as hydrogens which are always at the wrong place at the wrong time as the police have the criminal circled. From this distance, it looks like the guy down their is...Rhino but we can't be certain.

"Rhino stand down immediately," an officer yelled.

"Yeah that's him." Wade lays out on the rooftop and rest his chin in his hands.

"Get back! Or I'll—", he looks around frantically, "I'll burn this whole block down.

"It's an square, you idiot!", Wade yells.


He rolls his eyes and munches on his popcorn. Wait? Where did you get popcorn, Wade?

"I stole it", he says as if it's normal.

From where?

"Rhino we have—", the office begins but as soon as he starts talking Rhino throws a car directly at them. Wade covers his eyes for a split second then uncover them...then recover them and slightly crack them open between his fingers.

As the car comes towards them at a ferocious speed it's suddenly came to a stop. Wade removes his hands fully from his face and looks over towards the officers clearly to see what had happened to stop the car. A bundle of tangled webs are holding the car in place as the officers begin cheering. Wade suddenly becomes excited.

"It's Peter!!".

Wade! Don't call him that out loud!

"Oh sorry. it's peter," he whispers.

*Groans* Don't say his name...

Spider-Man suddenly appears and flips on top of the roof of a police car. He looks out over at Rhino and yells at him."Rhino! This is your last chance to stand down! Now be a good boy and sit!", he says pointing his finger downward.

"Oooh, this is getting juicy!", Wade grins as he stuffs more popcorn in his face.

"I will kill you, you spider freak!", he yells as his thic Russian accent erupts making him seem deadly as he runs towards Spidy causing the whole earth to shake.

Spider-Man jumps up in the air twirling slightly and shoots equal webs from both his hands, "Why does everyone think they can kill me?" He suddenly pulls himself toward Rhino and—

"And what!!," Wade yells.

Sorry, I gotta leave it here Wade I'm sleepy *rubs eyes*

"Sleepy!! You can't get sleepy!! You're the—".

*Falls asleep*


  The End
          (Not Really)

Save Him To Save Me [Spider-Man x DeadPool] SpidyPoolWhere stories live. Discover now