the engineer x reader

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western love

 Engie's p.o.v

        I sat at my post not really doing anything. My sentoriys where doing the job with no malfuncrtioning which of course i was proud of. I was looking around paying attention to the battle field. "Blue teams intelegence recived." I smiled knowing Glider was more then likely the one who retrieved the brief case. I got up and walked into the base. Everyone was gathered around cheering for the person who had gotten the inteligence. I was correct. Heavy lifted Glider up. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair slightly fell over her amazing (E/C) eyes. "Hey how about tonight we have a bonfire to celebrate," Scout said. I saw Pyro instantly perk up. "Great idea Scout," Glider said. Scout jumped up and highfived her. 

        "Hey Engie, bring your guitar to the fire tonight.' I nodded. I walked to my room and sat on the bed. This could be my chanse to tell Glider how I feel about her. I pulled out my guitar and started to play a song that I had learned for Glider. I knew she loved the song cause i would here her sing it when she thought no one was around. She had a beautiful voice. why do I have to be so shy around her.

Your p.o.v

         I sat on the roof of the base. The one place I went when I needed to think. My brain would not shut up. I couldn't stop thinking of Engie. He seemed..distracted today. Before I knew it the sun was setting.I jumped down and began to walk toward where we were holding the fire. Once I arrived the fire was already burning and every one was talking. I sat down next to Engie.

"Hey Glider, I was wonderin if you want to sing while i play."

        I thought for a moment. I only sang to myself. 

"Sure, why not."

        Engie began to play. Everyone got quiet and listened. As engie continued I began to recagnize the song. Broken, one of my favorite songs.

"I wanted you to know

that i love the way you laugh 

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away"

        Everyone continued to listen while me and Engie continued to play. I smiled as I finished the song. Engie looked at me and smiled.I felt my heart jump. Before I could do anything else Engie leaned in and contected my lips to his. 

"Woah, go engie," I heard Scout yell.

        He pulled away and looked at me.

"I love you.. (Y/N).'

I smiled and pecked his cheek


I'm sorry it took forever, writers block sucks.

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