The party

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Me and Caleb walked into the house, his hand was wrapped around my shoulder. Behind us was Noah and Millie, they walked hand in hand. "Hey Sadie, imma go get something to drink, you want something", Caleb asked. "Nah I'm good", I replied. He walked away from me as we departed our bodies.

I walked over to Finn, "great party", I said, he laughed. "So uh, why aren't you with Caleb", he asked me, "he went to go get something to drink", I replied. "Oh, so uh..... how's things going between you and Millie and Noah?", he asked. "We're friends now", I laughed. "Good", he smiled back. He walked over to get Jack, he hugged him. I smiled, they are too cute!

I walked away and went to find Noah, I decided to do a boy bestie dance so I grabbed him instead of my actual boyfriend. We danced the whole song, we couldn't stop laughing. Finally when the song was over we went to take some pictures. I took out some cute little pop out images to make the photo look cute and gave Noah the glasses while I got the mustache. The pictures turned out really good actually.

We finally decided to go find Millie and Caleb, we finally made our way to Millie as Noah hugged her I asked, "have you seen Caleb?" While looking around for him. "No", she replied shrugging her shoulders. She kissed Noah on his cheek and said, "I think he was getting something to drink last time I saw him!" "Thanks", I said walking towards the drinks.

I walked up further and I didn't see Caleb, I turned around to walk back towards My friends. "Hey guys I didn't see him", I said walking towards them through the crowd of people. When I finally got there another set of people walked up. It was Gaten and Lizzy. "Hey", they said, "hey", we replied back. "This Party looks so cool", Lizzy said. "It's been pretty fun so far", I replied. "I think we're gonna go dance", they said walking towards the dance floor.

I started to walk away to the dance floor with Millie so we could be those weird people at the party, when I saw something out the corner of my eye. It was two people kissing, Millie yelled at them and said, "ughh get a room!" I kept looking because these people looked really familiar. Suddenly it stuck me, I lost it, I stood there watching with my mouth wide open. "Caleb?" I said about to cry. Millie's eyes widened as she started to pat my back, "it oka-", she started to say.

I pushed her hand off of me gently, I was walking up towards Caleb who had yet to look back at us. When I finally reached him I pushed the blonde headed girl off of him, "what the heck!" He said. I let a tear down my angry my face. I picked my hand up and slapped him. He held his face, "dude what is your problem!", he yelled. By this time everyone was staring at us. "No! What is wrong with you!!! I loved you and to treat me better you had to go make out with some girl!!!", I said. By this time I was ready to fight Caleb.

"Look, I don't know what your doing here, but if we are supposedly dating then we're done. You here me!! DONE!!!", he said. I looked at him and looked back down at my hand, I picked it up and socked him in the face with it. I took my other hand and shoved him to the ground and kicked him. I grabbed his elbow and pinned him down and said, "if you ever come near me again, acting like this, I'll kill you", I whispered. "What?" He said about to laugh. "I said.... IF YOU EVER COME NEAR ME ACTING LIKE HIS AGAIN.... ILL KILL YOU", I yelled.

I shoved his arms down making him hit the ground. "Let's go guys", I said to my friends shoving the doors out of the way. That was it for me and Caleb McLaughlin, it was all over TMZ by the time I got home

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