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I woke up about an hour later and decided to take a walk. I looked back at Caleb who was still sleeping before leaving and whispered in his ear, "going for a walk, love you", he replied by halfway saying, "love you too", while still being half asleep. I kissed his cheek and got my phone and started to walk down the street.

I had 18 messages and 2 missed calls from a blocked number. I knew that those could only be 2 people, Noah and Millie. I looked at the text messages and read, "look... Sadie I really hope you forgive me for kissing you and slapping you, I hope we can become friends again. I heard you and Caleb got a place, finally got with him, I'm proud💙", Noah was apologizing. I unblocked the number and saw that the calls were from Millie.

I called them back, Millie picked up the phone, "hello", I said seeing if she would answer. "SADIE!!!", she said in an excited tone. "Hey", I giggled. "Look, I have some explaining, I never really liked Caleb... I was changing into my dress that one night when a box fell on my head as I was looking at the jewelry, I read the note... I know you don't like anyone going through your stuff so I tried to stop but you were so cute while writing to Caleb."

She stopped to take a breath then she continued, "I thought to myself... wait if they date then what am I gonna be, a third wheel. So I got with Caleb when I liked Noah so Noah tried to comfort you. Him slapping you was my fault, I told him to do it after he kissed you, I did it because I knew Caleb would be near to help you since I was gonna be with Noah and try to get you with Caleb...... I'm- I'm sorry", she said.

"Wow" I said, "look if you don't forgive me I understa-", I cut her off by thanking her and I invited her to our house. We met at the park and started to walk back to Mine and Caleb's house. "So how are things going between you and Caleb", Millie asked. "Great", I replied. Noah's arm was placed on Millie's shoulder, "you two are so cute together", I said.

When we finally reached the house I opened the door and walked them around and gave them a tour. We then walked back into my bedroom where Caleb was sitting in the bed as he was when I left. "Do you need us to leave or", Millie started to say, I cut her off by telling her that I would wake him up and that for now her and Noah could chill on the bed that was originally mine but I didn't use it.

I tapped Caleb's chest, his eyes fluttered open. He looked down at me, "hey beautiful", he said kissing my head. "Hey, So Noah and Millie are here, turns out a lot happened that I didn't understand, it's a long story, and now we're friends again", I said. "As long as I have you I am fine with anything", he replied.

Noah and Millie looked back at us, "hey guys", Millie said, "yeah", me and Caleb said. "Do you mind if we stay here for a little, like maybe a week, we really missed you guys", Millie asked. I looked at Caleb who kissed my cheek, "sure", I said. "Cool so where do you want us to sleep", Noah asked. "Right there is fine, it used to be my bed but I don't use it because I'm always over here so you guys can have it", I replied. "Thanks", they said.

We started watching Netflix and about an hour later Noah and Millie were asleep. Caleb looked at me, he leaned in and so did I. Our lips finally touched, his lips were so soft and my body tensed up at his warm lips touching mine. "You are so cute", he said. We smashed our lips back together and proceeded to kiss until we heard a know lol at the door.

"I'll get it", me and Caleb said at the same time. We raced to the door laughing quietly so we would wake up Noah and Millie. We opened the door and there stood Finn and Jack. "Wassup my brothers", Caleb said giving them both fist bumps and pulling them into a hug. I hugged them both, "so is there a problem", I asked. "Um yeah", they replied. Me and Caleb started to look worried. They giggled, "Noah we're just kidding, a sign of relief flashed across our faces.

"So what is the problem then", Caleb asked. "Nothing we just wanted to know if y'all wanted to come to this party we are having tonight", Finn said.
"Sure we'd love too", we replied. "Okay, it starts at 9 tonight", they said. They started to walk away, Finns arm was wrapped around jack as Finn kissed the top of jacks head.

We walked back into the room to see Millie and Caleb sitting there still asleep. We decided to take a picture and tag them in it on Snapchat since they looked so cute. We walked back over to our bed and payed there. Caleb put his arms around me and pulled my head to his chest. He pulled my face towards his and preceded to kiss me. He then started to kiss me on my cheek. I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Caleb finished kissing me by rubbing the back of my hoodie and giving me a kiss on the top of my head. He finally drifted off to sleep, I couldn't fall asleep just yet, I looked at Caleb then back at Millie and Noah, was that dream just a bad dream or was it really a sign, I shoved that thought out of my head. I started to think about the party and thought about what I was going to wear.

I looked back at Caleb and kissed his cheek. I then Hugged my arms around his torso and started to fall asleep.

(A/n: wow I just realized that Sadie and everyone is going to sleep ALOT in here lol, oh and it's like 1:51 am right now and all of my friends are asleep so yeah. This is what happen when you give a lonely person a phone at 1:51 in the morning. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter which is the longest one I've ever wrote so far!!! Anyways bye love y'all!!!🤩😇💙💖💚🎉)

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