“Come on, Unca Sherlock! We'll never get the gift on time if you keep going so slow!” shouted Shirley.

        “I'm coming!” Sherlock shouted to the exuberant little eight year old. It was a crisp fall day, the weather was starting to turn chilly and the leaves were turning to bright orange. It was so cold out, their breath would make little white puffs whenever they breathed. The little girl was skipping down the walk, happy to be out in the damp weather. It had rained a few hours ago, the sidewalks were wet and crawling with worms which were occasionally stepped on by the enthusiastic little girl. Sherlock smiled as she jumped in a puddle. Little kids had such enthusiasm!

        She stood there in the puddle, looking down at a worm that had crawled on the sidewalk. The pompom on her hat was hanging down, almost in her face. Despite the cold weather she wasn't wearing gloves. She picked up the worm in her bare hands and held it up to her face. Her nose and cheeks were red with cold, and now her nose was starting to drip. She gently put the worm back on the grass then stood up. She spied another, enormous puddle at the side of the road. She grinned and ran towards the enormous puddle, her boots making a thup thup thup sound as they smacked against her shins as she ran. She leaped in the air, then landed in the puddle with both feet, spraying water all over Sherlock. He raised an arm to keep the water drops off his face. She looked back at him and laughed. He dropped his arm, giving her a mock frown.

        “Young lady, what have I told you about splashing me?” she folded her arms behind her, putting on her best innocent little girl voice. “Not to do it.....” she said, dragging a foot through the water. Sherlock was standing on the edge of the curb now, looking down at the little child. She looked up at him with her deep blue eyes, eyes like her fathers. Sherlock was finding it hard not to smile as he looked down at her. “Do you remember what you have to do if you splash me?” she shook her head, her blond hair swishing in front of her eyes. He stood to his full height and backed up a step. “You have to give me a hug.” she laughed, jumping in his arms. He spun her around, both of them laughing. She pulled her head back slightly so she could look him in the eye.

        “Do you think Mum and Dad will like the gift, Unca Sherlock?” Sherlock looked down at her with a smile, “Yes, I think they will.” he set her back on the ground and she slid her hand in his. “I hope they do, I saved my whole allowance to get it for them.” Sherlock sighed, “Birthdays are such a bore.” suddenly, there was a voice from behind them.

        “How would you know? You never seem to remember birthdays.” Sherlock and Shirley turned around. “Auntie Molly!” Shirley shrieked with glee. She dropped Sherlock's hand and ran to Molly, giving her a big hug around the waist. Sherlock walked up to Molly at a more leisurely pace. “Nice to see you Molly.” he said. Shirley looked up at Sherlock and asked, “When are you and Auntie Molly going to get married?” Sherlock and Molly stared at the little girl. “W-what makes you think we're going to get married?” asked Molly. Shirley looked up at her “Whenever you two look at each-other, your pupils dilate and your heart rate increases. Unca Sherlock said that happens when two people who love each-other look at each-other.” Molly looked up at Sherlock, giggling when she saw he was blushing. “That-that's not exactly tru---” Sherlock started.

Shirley let go of Molly's waist, and stomped her foot on the ground “But you love her!” she shouted up at Sherlock. “Shirley....” Sherlock warned. “You do! You love Auntie Molly!” Sherlock groaned, putting a hand over his eyes. He looked up at Molly. Why was she smiling at him like that? He wondered why he liked her sparking eyes. It was just light entering and being reflected in the eyes. Maybe it was the way it made them seem to change color. They went from a dull brown to brilliant hazel that was almost entrancing. She had also worn lipstick again. He didn't know why women wore it, it wasn't like a simple mixture of waxes, oils and antioxidants would make someone more beautiful. Women were so confusing. He didn't know how long he was staring, but he was brought back to reality by Shirley grabbing his hand and tugging him down the walk.

        “Come on, Unca Sherlock! We have to go!” Sherlock looked back at Molly and said “Sorry about that.” Molly speed walked to catch up to them and said “No problem. After all, she is only eight. What do eight year olds know?” Sherlock looked at Molly, slightly surprised she had continued to follow them. “Well, a typical eight year old will be understanding social rules, they know games with rules and most likely are interested in mastering cognitive skills such as math and reading.” Molly smiled, “You would make a fun parent, Sherlock Holmes.” Sherlock looked at her with a raised eyebrow “You think so?” Molly smiled “Yes, Sherlock, I really do.” Sherlock studied her face, then asked, “Are you.... are you, flirting with me?” Molly laughed. Not regular laughter that dissipated in within a few seconds, no, not this. This was deep, real laughter. The kind that wells up in your belly and leaves you shaking with laughter. When she finally stopped laughing, she looked up at Sherlock's confused expression then started laughing once again. When she finally caught her breath, she had tears in her eyes. “Yes, Sherlock. I am flirting.” Sherlock nodded, he started to say something, but stopped, then blurted “Would you like to come out shopping with Shirley and I?” Molly had her breath back now. She smiled as she replied, “Sherlock, I would love to.” Shirley looked over her shoulder at the two of them, smiling when she saw they were holding hands.

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