"Tell me more about yourself." Such a simple question and an person in their right mind should be able to answer something relatively quick, but for me I was a fish out of water.

"Well, I, um, actually, I'm, oh..." My mouth opens and closes trying to find something to say, but no proper words find their escape. What am I to say? Called me prepared, but I had planned a brief backstory on my identity prior to leaving the palace in the event that something like Harry's question was thrown my way. I thought I was prepared, but now that I'm being presented with the opportunity to share I'm shy and at a loss for words.

"You alright there?" He seems very amused by my inability to answer, completely not understanding that I'm racking my brain for a semi-normal answer. I laugh my first attempt at a lie off and fake a few coughs, like a proper idiot.

"Yeah, sorry, just had a tickle in my throat." I blame my stuttering on the so called tickle before straightening myself out and turning towards Harry to share.

All should go smoothly as long as I keep the background short, sweet, and easy to remember.

"Well, I'm from Weybridge, which I suppose you already know. I live with," don't say with your parents, don't you dare, "my sister. Yeah, I have a sister, her name is..." I can't very well say her name is Gwen, because if his IQ is average or higher than he can start to put the dots together after a while. My brain reels for a name that's not too close to Gwen's as my eyes dart around the tube for any inspiration, "Talia." I settle on, my eyes finding an advert with the caption meet Talia at the bottom of the poster. I just pray Harry doesn't turn around and read the same advert I am. "Yes, she and I are very close."

"And what do you do?" What do I do? I lie and I handle foreign affairs.

"I actually work at a law firm."

Really? You work at a law firm, Mary? You don't know the first thing about law. You couldn't have said you work in international business or international affairs?

"You're a solicitor?" I find myself subconsciously nodding even though I'm deeply cringing on the inside. Why couldn't I have chosen a career that I actually know a thing or two about? Or shook my head and aluded to the fact that I was a measly receptionist or assistant. "That's very cool. What kind of law do you practice? My father is actually a barrister, small world." Of course he is.

"This is a small world. Well as a solicitor I legally advise clients on a range of things, whether they're just a single person or a big organization, but I don't practice in court, that would be something for your father to handle." Please don't ask me anything other than that, because honestly I don't know anything else. Change the bloody subject..."But enough boring law talk, what do you do?"

"I work in finance, nothing any more glamorous. I do financial planning for individuals at a firm in Central London. It's a small company that I work for, but I enjoy it. I'm not too keen on being surrounded by too many people. Crowds are actually kind of off-putting for me."

"I can relate to that; crowds are not my forte."

You'd think with my demeanor as seen in the media that I'm a very outgoing, charasmatic, extrovert of a person, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Growing up around a lot of people has put me in the permanent mindset of wanting to be utterly on my own; I'm an introvert, through and through. I'd rather sit on my own with a cuppa and do a puzzle or watch some Netflix than mingle with a room full of know-it-all men and women.

"Any hobbies?"

"Don't laugh." I start, gaining a weary expression from the man at my right. The expression is quickly erased though, a smile replacing the look almost immediately after he had jokingly casted it.

"I won't, I promise."



"Yeah, puzzles."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know really. I suppose there's just something so calming about sitting in a quiet room, fitting individual pieces together to create a bigger image. It's like life, in a way. You and I make up the smaller pieces and when all of humanity comes together, we create one big image." I confess, feeling my cheeks burn a crimson heat as the words just topple out of my mouth. Not many adults go around bragging that they're into puzzles and I don't want Harry to think I'm a big nerd. "That may not make any sense, sorry." Harry shakes his head.

"No, that actually makes perfect sense. And I wouldn't laugh at you for having a hobby that your passionate about. When I'm not out working or with friends I'm usually at home, on my own, reading a book. It's relaxing. As for puzzles, in addition to all the symbology that you just spat, they're good for your brain, lowering stress, and they're fun."

How in world did I stumble upon this fine specimen of a man? Not only is he incredibly attractive, but he's smart, he's kind, he's pretty funny, and he's an introvert; he basically me in the male form. What are the odds that him and I would find each other?

"You think puzzles are fun?"

"Yes; and I'm not just saying that to impress you. I have quite the puzzle collection at home too."

There's a part of me, deep within, that, upon hearing that confession, wants to leap on him and start snogging the man. I want to jump him, here and now, confession my deepest attraction towards this man, and then order him to take me to his place... so we can do puzzles until the sun rises.

There's also the very logical side of me that knows that everything I've just fantasized about is utter nonsense. I would never, ever, act on any random impulse to snog a stranger and then take him home, no matter how much I would like to. So instead of crawling onto his lap and molding my lips to his, I bite my lip and push the thoughts to the back of my mind... deep in my mind.

"Perhaps if you don't kill me tonight we can check your puzzle collection out." I boldly say, hoping that the innuendo of going to his place isn't taken the wrong way. Harry smirks over at me before shrugging and leaning back in his seat. His dark pink lips purse together and eyes squint, looking deep in thought all whilst staring at me.

"We'll see."

"I can beg if you want. I'm actually pretty persuasive."

There's a look that falls across his features, but it's gone before I can really explore it. If I was more experienced on the matter of men, maybe I'd detect it as lust. Instead the look could pass for anything: shock, disgust, maybe even gas.

"I'm sure you are."


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Caught in a Lie ~ h.s.Where stories live. Discover now