Y/N : As you wish prez. *Walks out of room*

Kirari POV

Kaede : Why did you let him off the hook like that? He broke the rules.

Kirari : He is the only student to have done so.

Yuriko : He still needs to learn his place as bottom feeder and respect this academies culture we put in place.

Kirari : I let him go because he had a certain flare in his eyes before he attacked the other students. * Looks at footage on TV*

Yumemi : Woah are his eyes red?! But they weren't that color when he was in here just now.

Midari : Okay that's fine and all but why something so simple? We clearly have harsher punishments in place.

Kirari : I feel that him meeting with our new student will spark a lively flame at the school.

I wonder what events will take place when those two make a connection with each other. And I want to see the whole thing from the front row. As to what will emerge from this combination, only time will tell.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N giving Mary a piggy back ride while she points forward smiling.


I waited by the schools gate waiting for the new student. While doing so I looked around and saw a beautiful black haired girl with brown eyes looking at the school in awe. I walked up to her and sparked conversation.

Y/N : Beautiful isn't it?

???? : Quite, the school was clearly built with a purpose in mind.

Y/N : A devious purpose that it. *Light chuckle*

???? : *Giggles* Devious indeed, My name is Yumeko Jabami pleasure to meet you *bows*

Y/N : *Bows in return* You have a beautiful name, my name is F/N L/N.

Yumeko : What a lovely name.

Y/N : I take it that you are the new transfer student.

Yumeko : That I am, shall we get this tour started?

We walked around and I got an odd vibe from her but I dismissed as we toured the school and I showed her where basically everything is. The cafeteria, the bathrooms, auditorium classes the clubrooms and all the other basics. We had no need to speak of how the school's curriculum worked since she transferred here, so I assumed that she knew what she was getting into. During the tour, she saw my dog tag and immediately took interest in it.

Yumeko : Y/N,might I ask what this is and why you are wearing it?

Y/N : This? *points to tag* This is what shows that I am a dog. Someone who hasn't paid off their debt and are in a sense butlers you can treat like shit. So they must wear the tags until they manage to pay off their debt. Boys are dogs and girls are cats, or Fido and Mittens.

Yumeko : So if I didn't pay off my debt I would be a cat?

Y/N : An adorable cat indeed.

Yumeko : *Blushes* Well you are quite the handsome dog Y/N.

I blushed in return and she giggled adorably. We finished the tour and I offered to show her the class she was put in. Coincidentally it was the same one as mine so she followed me to the classroom. She walked into class and then the teacher got her to introduce herself.

Yumeko : Its wonderful to meet you all, my name is Yumeko Jabami. I may be a little inept, but I hope in time you will all welcome me as a member of your class.

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