**The scent**

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kyle's P.O.V

As if having a sleepless night wasnt enough i came downstairs only to find the hall in a mess, the couch was covered in all kinds of junk foods from lastnight Clark!!! i screamed; making my brother jump from the chair he was sitting on in front of the TV.
yeah, he said half asleep.
Get up you dickhead; i said handing him a broom. i grabbed my iPod and sticked the earphones in my ears as i walked out of the door. i started jogging allowing my legs lead me to anywhere cause i didn't have any specific place in mind. After an hour of running i found my self in the park.


******i had been having this same dream for the past nights and today had been no exception; every time I'll come close to knowing the name of this girl but every time she'll just disappear into thin air. In my dream she'd sort of become someone i could confide in and I had grown fond of her but every time I ask of her name, she just disappears.

Anyways am still  standing in the park when i smell this wonderful scent coming from the other side of the park; a mixture of strawberry , vanilla and chocolate filled my senses, before i knew it, my legs were leading to where the scent was coming from. Then i saw her;blue sapphire eye, dark brown hair with curls at the ends, short body with perfect curves at the right places.

  mate !! my wolf said. I could feel him jumping up and down from joy of finding our mate. Thud, i feel tripping over a stair just when i was about to call her. damn; i cursed seeing her get into a taxi with her friends.

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