"And why would we ever want to dine with you?" Ariel asked rudely. The witches had to keep themselves from rolling their eyes. They always really had to be pathetic, pompous asses.

"Because I was wrong and you were right." Myrtle admitted seemingly truthfully. She was rather good at lying. "I have to swallow my hubris. A man will be our next Supreme. He did surpass Elizabeth, he won the position fair and square. I want to show you my loyalty, and you can show me your forgiveness. We can be the example that unites our covens." Myrtle smiled pleasingly.

They sat at a table curated with wonderful cooked food. It was like a five star meal. Myrtle and Bubbles didn't actually cook it. The warlocks could think that though. If they actually had cooked it, there was probably no stopping Myrtle from poisoning it, although that was treason. Death by fire never stopped her before.

"Bubbles, you've exceeded your promise." Ariel hummed with delight as he ate. "This is a meal fit for a Supreme."

"Oh, thank you so much." She chuckled.

"Where is our dear Michael?" Myrtle asked. "I was hoping he could join us."

"In the wilderness, literally. Michael has decided that he needs to be completely alone." Baldwin explained.

"Cordelia had a similar awakening." Myrtle recalled.

"I've had enough." Ariel chuckled as Myrtle went to our him more wine.

"But this is Château Lafite." Bubbles advised. "The bottle alone is the same price as a small house."

"Oh, come on." Baldwin whispered to him.

"This is a special bottle. I must tell you the story of how we procured it." Myrtle poured him a glass. As Myrtle kept talking, Bubbles began to read their souls. After doing it for so many years, she could keep a straight face while hearing what they had to say. "God I hate this bitch." Baldwin had thought. He seemed like a nice one.

"No one has brought up John Henry aside from that meddling Elizabeth. I'm glad that fucker is a pile of ash, and she'll be next." Ariel thought. "I can't wait until they're dead, every last stinking witch."

"I want to wipe the smiles off their smug little faces." Baldwin looked at Bubbles. She gave him a look back. The two warlocks got up and called it a night.

"Well, what'd you hear?" Myrtle asked.

"They murdered one of their own, and are planning to kill Elizabeth next, along with the rest of us." Bubbles narrowed her eyes.

"It's kill or be killed. We'll tell Cordelia and strike back together." Myrtle decided, and Bubbles agreed.

Elizabeth had been thinking about Michael a lot lately. In a variety of different ways. Constance started out teaching his childlike mind that the things he killed, the gifts he offered out of love, resulted in beautiful things. Then he wonders why she killed herself, but knows it's seemingly his fault. He blames himself. Then Ben tries to teach him another way, and then let's Tate treat him the way he did. Then he turned to his dark side, and Ben said awful things to him again. He didn't continue to try and help him. He didn't reach out to him. He made him feel terrible again. Like he was unlovable and everything was his fault. Those satanist came in and they changed him. They opened his mind to his father, and now he was who he was, along with a lot of manipulation. He didn't have to be evil, he could've been something else. His powers could've been used for good if someone had just raised him better, but really... there's no guide on how to raise the Antichrist. Elizabeth was thinking all these things, but it occurred to her that maybe she was doing it to reassure. Because she cared about him and it made her feel guilty. She was in denial that she was actually doing something wrong because she wanted to care about him so desperately. All the things she saw that he had went through. His family wanted nothing to do with him, and he was raised by a satanist. Of course he turned out the way he did. Now he was being manipulated by the warlocks out of their own selfish wants to over rank the coven.

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