Legend Fanficition: Before June

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I perch silently on the slick balcony’s railing, surveying my surroundings. It’s still dark, but a twinge of purple splashes along the horizon, hinting the start of the rising sun. The crumbling streets glimmer below me, and puddles brokenly reflect lights in all directions. Surrounding buildings sag on top of each other, seeming to depend on their neighbors for support.

I scowl. The Lake Sector has taken a turn for the worse, and the Republic couldn’t care less about it.

But never mind that. I’m looking for someone.

My long, blonde hair twists in the light breeze, my open, black collared shirt fluttering in the wind. She has to be here. She was in the visions…

And then I see her. A single person, clearly in disguise. She doesn’t notice me concealed in the skyscraper’s shadow, so she continues to stride confidently along the ragged, cracked sidewalk.

I’ve seen this girl so many times in my dreams before; her presence is so familiar to my mind. I somehow already know her… But she has no idea who I am.

I tighten my muscles and brace myself for a leap.

Always a good time for first impressions, yeah? 


I pull my gloves over my fingers, trembling in the cold. It isn’t snowing or freezing yet, but it’s enough to turn my breath into visible, white vapor.

My eyes dart around me suspiciously, the hair at the back of my neck standing on end. I’ve been warned of followers before my journey, but now the concept has become a reality.

The thought hits like a tidal wave. Someone is watching me.

I tug my jacket closer to my body and continue to walk through the desolate streets. I round a corner, passing a few drunken, staggering beggars on the way…

“Excuse me.”

I jump, my hand immediately reaching for the gun hidden within my boot. My pursuer, dressed in all black, holds up his hands in defense when he realizes my intention.

“Hey now, I’m not looking for trouble, Cousin.” His face is self-assured, yet desperate in a way.

I soften as I look at him, analyzing his deep, beautiful blue eyes. Oh, he’s definitely familiar. I’ve seen him on the Jumbo-Trons before: the most elusive fugitive in the Republic.


I lower my gun reluctantly. There’s something about him that can be trusted, a sense of reckless yet calculating and practiced motives.

But if he’s a wanted criminal, wouldn’t talking to him be treason?

I shake the thought from my mind. I don’t belong to any nation except my own.

The United States of America.  


I never thought our first meeting would be like this. I’d imagined something a little more… welcoming. I thought about what our first encounter would be like a million times before; maybe she’d jump into my arms and confess she’d been looking for me too, or she’d at least offer her hand for a decent warm hand shake.

But, no. She goddy reaches for her gun.

I guess I shouldn’t have expected any less. After all, I am a stranger in her eyes. Strangers in the Lake Sector can be dangerous. I know that more than anyone.

My eyes lock on hers, and we stand there, observing each other for what seems like hours. Her natural wavy brown hair whips in the wind, her green eyes glimmering underneath the street lights.

She truly is beautiful.

After a few moments of silence, she finally speaks up, in a small, quiet voice, “What do you want?”

So she already knows who I am, then. I can see it in her expression; she knows I’m Day. The supposed most dangerous fugitive in the Republic.

I think about her question. What do I want? I know I only wanted to meet her, to come face to face with the girl who haunts my visions.

Now what?

I wait before answering, and it’s not long before she can’t hide her shivering. It’s freezing, and she is clearly not properly dressed for this kind of weather.

“Listen, I better be—“

“Here…” I begin, shrugging off my coat and placing it around her shoulders. She starts to protest, but when I make it clear I don’t want to hear excuses, she looks up at me gratefully, with a puzzled and confused expression.  

“You’re not from here, are you?” I question gently.


I shake my head. To put it more specifically, I’m not even from this time period. But he doesn’t have to know that.

“Do you have any place, to uh, stay?”

“I…” Snap out of it, Charlie. I scold myself. He’s a criminal. You can’t trust anyone here, remember? Especially not him.

I suddenly take off his jacket and hand it back to him. “I must be going.”  I turn on my heel and brush past his shoulder, walking fast down the crumbling sidewalks.

But he’s faster.

It only takes a few moments for him to catch up to me, his heels soon clicking behind mine.

“Wait up, yeah?”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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