Chapter 1

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Hello, my name is Chance or that's what it was before it all happened.

My first memory was laying next to my mother, With my three other brothers, we were only a few moments old. I couldn't see or hear her but I could smell her well enough, sweet like flowers and milky scent, her fur softer than anything I knew. Her name was Ginger or at least that's what the tallones called her. I and my brothers were all suckling milk from her breasts. After a long and satisfying meal I settled down to sleep I was exhausted. Before I got comfortable a tallone pick me up, screaming for Ginger to save me, they turned me over then put me back. They did the same to Jojo, Pumpkin, and Mouse, my brothers. Ginger to weak to fight back curled around me and rasped her tongue over my head comforted I fell asleep.

When I woke up Ginger was gone, her smell was still fresh. Waiting for her to come back I explored. Scooting around on the warm, fluffy floor of the nursery, I found all my other brothers still asleep. At the end of the nursery, I stepped out onto the hard, smooth, cold rock-like surface. Following Ginger's milky scent, I ran into her soft, fluffy leg she sniffed me then picked me up carefully by the loose skin on my neck. She carried me back to the nursery and lay me down by Mouse who was curled up in a tight ball. Try my best I scouted over to Ginger, snuggling up to her I was hungry once again so suckled some more milk.

A week later I was running around on some grass and dirt. With several tall animals up to three tails tall. Then I came across a large fluffy cat, it was taller than four cats. Going up to sniff it to figure out what it was. It jumped at me but slammed into the mesh fence, overly frustrated it started yelping happily and barking at me. "Please stop, you're scaring me" I yelled at it, it didn't instead it jumped over the fence and started chasing me. As it was about to grab me I jumped awake, lucky it was just a dream.

I accidentally woke Ginger she asked me what was wrong, eyes full of love and sympathy, told her everything, then she told me that was a dog I dreamed of. She curled her black, orange, and white body around me. I could finally see my brothers, Jojo was black with gray stripes, I and Pumpkin were the same orange tabbies with white chests, and Mouse the smallest of us he was like me and Pumpkin but tan.

Later that day the family tallones woke me with a bunch of noise, loud and clumsy. Stretching until my tail shook with effort, walking out of the nursery I notice the entire environment changed. united the nice cool tallone den it was hot and stuffy.

"This is the garage, it was where I lived before I gave birth to you," Ginger said.

Not hearing her I jumped at her voice. After some movement caught out of the corner of my eye realized there were other cats in here. "Who's in here, with us?" I asked.

"Some cats that don't like me. In fact one of them hate me," she answered blankly.

"What's their names" it was Jojo who asked

"Tiger, Roosevelt, and Eleanor." after she scanned the area finished "that it Tiger" flicking her tail in the direction of a white cat with gray and brown patches with a gray collar, she was on top a table, staring at us with pure hatred in her beautiful green eyes. Hopping from her league to a black shelf a few tail-lengths ways looking over her shoulder hissing "Talk to me I'll claw your ears off!"

Resting her tail on me shoulders ginger said "Don't mind her, she always acts like that." understanding and sympathy flowed into her eyes "actually Tiger didn't always don't act that, only after her and her sister's kits were taken away except for one. Then her sister died after getting ran over, her daughter was attacked by a dog soon after."

"Poor Tiger, I can't imagine what she is going through" I mumbled. Just imagine the only cats you loved die and taken away from you. I hope the tallones don't take me away from Ginger.

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