38. Dungbombs and Diabolical Plots

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'Come on,' she hissed. 'Let's get this back before Evans realises it's gone.

They dashed down the stairs quickly, and ran up to their own dormitory, not bothering to see how the sixth years were getting on. Jamie had forgotten one thing, though: her charmed, glowy Gryffindor tie had floated to the ground, a telltale signal of surrender.

Sirius leapt up on her bed, triumphant. 'We did it!' she exclaimed breathlessly. Frankie simply got up and walked out the door. As the others crowded around to see the letter, Sirius shooed them off haughtily. 'Shoo, shoo, children, back off. I need to see if this snog-o-gram is suitable for individuals under the mental age of three.'

'Oi! Watch it!' Jamie yelled at her, but she kept a wary distance as Sirius looked quite mad, waving her wand around in the air like that. 'But do you think it is a snog-o-gram, though?' asked Jamie anxiously.

'Oh, bugger off, Potter,' Sirius said carelessly.

The truth was, Sirius was still worried that Remus might be being hurt at home, and she wanted time to be able to react to the letter on her own. To her relief, it was pretty much a light hearted letter, but Sirius caught traces of Remus's true worry and anxiety behind the seemingly meaningless, and yet desperate questions.

Dear Lillian,

As you have probably noticed (or at least I sincerely hope you have), I haven't been at school for a while. I've been taken ill, and my parents and the teachers have decided that it is best for me to remain at St. Mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries or whatever (the name is so annoying and hard to remember!) and I missed you lot. I'm sorry to bother you, but it just gets so boring here!

The hospital itself should be quite interesting, but I haven't been allowed off this floor, especially as my mother can't stay here all the time. I've made friends with most of the people in my ward. I like them. There's a girl who's been gored by a unicorn, a boy who's been burned by a salamander like the ones Hagrid has, an old lady who tried to become a horse Animagus, and a man who's been bitten by a kneazle, but after a while, even they got boring. My Healer's name is Leah, and she is really nice.

Anyway, I was just wondering... could you possibly keep me updated on what goes on at Hogwarts? As you may or may not have heard from the girls, I won't be back for a while. When I come back, I don't want to totally be behind on the gossip and news. Also, have the girls been taking about me, or have there been any sort of rumour about where I am? I know it sounds awfully bigheaded of me, but I am sincerely concerned. You know how gossip can sometimes get out of hand, and before you know it, the whole story is twisted and completely wrong. I'll admit, I'm being a little paranoid, but I can't get the thought out of my head.

The Marauders: Year One (female)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora