it still hurts

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I saw you walking down the street with some other girl
and it felt like a punch right in the heart
although I know we wouldn't have worked out
It still hurts
But I'm over you
So I don't know why it's hurting me
so much
When I saw you in school
I felt nothing
I just ignored you
But when I saw you walking with some other girl 
it hurt, because that was something we did
And I should be happy for you
I don't even know why it bothers me so much
Because we weren't even a couple
I'm not healing and it's so frustrating
It can only mean one thing
I'm not over you
somehow I can't draw a line
sorry for being such an melodramatic ass, but maybe those poems help me get over a crush,
but maybe I'm not getting over a crush, but a lost friend

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