"Hey Merman," I greeted, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand. "What's up next?"

He patted Larissa's head. "We have a small break before we had off to do the lawn work..."

Just before he could finish the sentence we clapped our hands over our ears as a small dragon from the rafters started squealing. I wanted to scream at the creature to shut up but surprisingly Merman looked worried. "Dang man- that's the alarm! He's here! Run back quickly or we'll be super late!"

We were out in the woods by the barn so it would take a little while to jog back. Most the other kids were already gone. Merman quickly turned off the water and I nabbed Caedmon before together we raced through the woods like ninjas, dodging tree roots and rocks, our heavy combat boots sending dust flying.

And still the tiny dragon yelled from his perch.

As I tromped onwards I could see and hear the trees rustling, swaying foreboding as if a storm was approaching.The wind was so strong I brushed shoulders with a tree before staggering onwards. My black hair obscured my vision as my gaze drifted to the sky. It looked blue and innocent to my eyes, strangely enough. "What is that? Helicopter?" I yelled over the loud whooshing noise.

He just laughed. "You're going to love this!"

Love what? So many thoughts rang through my head. Jeez with a wind like that it must be a dozen helicopters! Caedmon clung to my shirt like a tick, his purple eyes tightly shut. Finally I broke free of the forest and made it to the front lawn, where everyone was already standing at attention.


The wind slapped me in the back so hard I fell over like a Domino, face planting into the mud so suddenly I nearly lost my breath. "Man down!" I wheezed as Caedmon ripped my shirt with little claws as he tumbled off my shoulder onto the grass.

Suddenly I felt my shirt press tighter to my chest as if it was shrinking around me or my chest muscles had improved a whole lot. Somehow I doubted the latter.

Sure enough I found myself being lifted from the grass. "Thanks man, but easy on the shirt," I mumbled, thinking it was Merman giving me a hand. But something felt weird. Why was I being lifted so high! Why was Caedmon looking like I was ascending to heaven?

"It's Godzilla that got me, isn't it," I whispered to Caedmon who was staring up at me in shock.

The hatchling bobbed his head. Twice.

"Oh no..." I twisted my head slowly, my heart pounding in fear of what I might see.

I admit, I almost peed my pants at this beastie.

A huge, battle scarred crocodilian snout was taking up my vision. His large, serrated scales were all the size of my hand and the color of Christmas trees. His eyes, a metallic yellow swirled slowly as he gazed at me. But it was not his pretty scales nor his crazy eyes that caught my attention. It was his enormous saber-like teeth which jutted from his jaw straight towards me before twisting backwards wickedly. Each of them had to be ten feet long.

A shiver ran down my spine, like that a rabbit might make when trapped by a fox. "Uh... I'm very dangerous to eat!" I yelled, struggling a bit in his grasp before stopping, realizing a thirty foot drop to the ground wasn't going to help me. "I have... Uh... Toe jam!" Toe jam? That's the first thing I come up with? I got to think better than that! "Uh... I have gas too! And... Lice!" I scratched my head and made a loud farting noise with my mouth.

He narrowed his large reptilian eye and gave a low growl. This wasn't working. Time for plan B.

"HHEEEELP! HELPPP! PLEEAASE IM GONNA GET EATEEEN!" I screamed before opening one eye to see if someone was rushing to help me.

Forewarned (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now