New home room teacher

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Next day.
Reader's POV: I woke up early in the morning due to nightmare it was creepy and awkward but I shrug it off and get to the washroom to freshen up myself to get ready for high school after having my breakfast, I leave for the school, as I was about to enter my classroom I saw a familiar face, the face that no one wants to see this early in the morning Principal's secretary! She have came to inform me that Principal wants me in his office, I clearly know the reason why he call me for but I am going to pretend I know nothing, I followed her, as we were passing by the hallway, I saw some familiar faces from yesterday the guys I beat into pulp. You must be wondering why I beat them up. Don't asked such silly questions why or what reason for? I don't need reason to do anything specially when I know that I am right, as I get to the Principal's office I ask for his permission to enter his office and he nodded his head to giving me the sign to enter his office, but before entering his office I saw someone is already there a black haired man with ghost like pale skin, I have feeling like I have seen him somewhere but I don't remember where? But I don't bother myself with that because I already have a situation in my hands, Mr. Principal looked at me and sigh, disappointment was written all over his face then he sigh again and informed me that i have been complained by other students that i was bullying them and beating them up. I said in my defence Sir why would I do such thing? do they have any evidence against me?which show or tell that I was bullying them? I am not even that strong neither am I in karate or boxing club, it is clear that those students were lying. Mr.Principal asked why would they lie? It's not the first time that I have got complaints about you. I said again in my defence Sir as you alrealy know , I am a member of a student council and as a member of student council I have to deal with students who broke rule in one way or another, students may dislike me for that, and they don't want me to get in there way so maybe they are complaining about me for that reason. Without letting me explain any farther he cut me off and said there are also other member in student council I have never got any complaints about them, then why only you? Mr.(your/lastname) student council is here for the benefit of students and maintaining school rules you better remind that, if I found that you were breaking rule or anything against this matter, next time you won't get away with this. Then he sigh and said well this is not the only matter I have called you for, then he introduced me to the black haired man from before meet, this is yours new home room teacher Mr.Sebastian Michaelis, I bough to the man infront of me and said nice to meet you teacher, then again Principal said Miss.(your/last name) I am giving you the responsibility to give a little tour of our school to Mr.Sebastian Michaelis because he not very familiar to this place. Before taking my leave with Mr.Michaelis I bough to our Principal to show my respect and took my leave, I sigh in relief this time no one has anything solid evidence against me. I have to be more careful from now on as I was in the middle of my thoughts we passed by the hallway, and all of a sudden Mr.Michaelis said something I didn't heard clearly then I looked at him in confusion, he kinda knew that I wasn't paying attention to what he said, then he said that again, "you have quite a good image to maintain" with mischievous smile plastered on his face, I was more confused than before, why did he said that?was it compliment or what?

~ something is not right about him ~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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