~The Current~

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With my back turned, I feel your eyes as they dig into me.

Your stare is intense.

Your energy is a force unlike any other.

I feel the current pulling me towards your stature.

My legs carry me across the room as your eyes stay glued to my being.

Our fingers interlock and I look in the eyes that have burned holes into me.

Looking into your lustful deep browns that tell me how bad you ache, your touch is electric, now around my waist.

I feel my weight lift as you carry it up the stairs.

A closed door is opened with your rough kick.

I float to your bed as you let go and your stare tells me what will happen next.

Your shadow covers all of me, much like your lips.

There's an intense hunger about your touch that makes the heat rise.

My eyes now guide you and your fingers guide me closer to the edge.

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