No Capitals In A Title. Etc.

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No capitals in a title like: omg im in love with the emo freak!11!1!!1!!1!

(-_-) An emoji was the only way to express my irritation without having a fall blown rant that would be rather pointless even in a rant book, but it leads us to another rant: When people use smiley faces in their stories - kind of like when people have text language when people aren't even texting; I smiled widely ':D'. I smiled stuck my tongue out at her ':P'. *Saucy Comment* ';)' Keep it in the chat rooms! I'm sadly not even kidding, I once attempted to read a whole book in which when the characters flirted the author decided to use emoticons in the dialogue. It was terrible.

Or when people have a huge blank in between paragraphs or at the end of a story.

(No bitch, it isn't going to make your story seem longer.)

Or when people in the descriptions of there story box say 'READ ON TO FIND OUT MORE!1!!!1!!!' Like no, I want a good, detailed description - maybe then I might read on, because saying 'Omg, I suck at descriptions SO JUST READ!1!!!1' Will NOT make me want to read your book, by the way. (You know, just a heads up to all those who have that in your description.)

Or when a title is like: 'OH NO IM IN LOVE WITH A PLAYER?!?!? ..... NOOO!!!!!1!' For the love of Gerard Way, please write normal looking titles.

Not: 'ʎqɐq ɐ ʇxǝu ʇɐɥʍ 'ǝʌo1 uı 11ɐɟ ɥɔʇıq ʎddǝɹd puɐ ʞɐǝɹɟ oɯǝ ǝɥʇ' Translation: the emo freak and preppy bitch fall in love, what next a baby. Am I supposed to be interested? Probably yes, although I'm sure nobody is.

ᗢᙢᘐ ᗰᎩ ☂ᓰ♈ᒪᙓᔕ ᗩᖇᙓ ᔕᗝ ᑕᗢᗝᒪ!1!!1 - OMG my titles are so cool!1!!1 (How did 'T' turn into a Umbrella?!) '-ɪɴsᴇʀᴛ sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ-' OMG. Look at me, all cool and random!1!!11!

I posted the link to get all these cool text things in the External Link. (Hope it works.) But please don't use them in your titles, that would give me a great sense of ruining innocent lives of people on Wattpad. I mean, almost everyone has lost faith in humanity anyway - but I don't want to make it worse.

I really do enjoy mocking people who seem to be like this on Wattpad, it's rather fun, I suggest everyone starts doing it, but don't mention my name - I never said a thing.


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