My lifes fucked, yay!

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My life is so fucked rn.

#1 My dad is remarrying some bitch whose so damn mean to me for no fucking reason, I don't even like him anymore he's a dick but omg his fiancé is literal Satan and I don't even believe in that shit.

#2 This guy still likes me from last year and I would totally go out with him but he's such an asshole to everyone and he is a stupid popular guy like wtf get nicer than maybe he'll have a chance

#3 I got my midterm marks back and in all my classes I got a 95% or over except for math which I got a 75% on (so a B) and my mom is so pissed at me cause I'm 'failing' I'm not I have a B and also she's making me take grade 10 math no wonder I'm not getting 90%'s cause I'm a ninth-grader doing 10th grade math wtf

I have so many more reasons on why my life is such a shit show rn but I'll save those for later, or even better get shittier ones!

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