Life in the fast lane

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~Ravens POV~ 

I opene my blurry eyes, I rubbed them and yawned wide. I looked around to see were I was, I noticed I was in a car. "How did I get here?" I yawned once more.  I look out the window and I was parked at a a gas station. I open the door and stepped out, I fixed my raven curled with a quick bounce to get the messy look. I look away from the mirrior and saw three model looking men. My checks felt like they were burning. They all smiled at me, the tallest one walked over to me and bows alittle. "Hello. I am erm." The dark eyes male stepped forward. "This is Ottis, Im Jack, and over there. Thats Ben." He pointed to the shortest and the pointy eared male. I glance at Ottic. He had white spiked hair, purple eyes. He wore a leather jacket with a black shirt underneath, His leather boots were slowly scrapping the ground like he was trying to get gum off of it. Ben stepped forward, His nerdy look was so adorible. His pointy ears twitched alittle, his green eyes were looking nervously at Jack and Ottic. His green shirt rippled in the wind and his camo pants looked to baggy on him but he could pull it off. Jack looked calmly at me. His black and red pupil eyes looked like they could devor my soul but he wore cloths that said. "Hey look at me, im just a normal stalker but with great taste." I almost giggled out loud. I looked back at Ottic who was taking him time to say something. "Im Raven." I rubs my palms on my jeans every time sweat would build back up. Ottic smiled charmly at me. "Well, Raven. Your sister said you were going to a university and we thought since we are going to the  same place we could give you aride. So you sister left your bags outside and we loaded it up, we are about a days worth of getting there." I nodded nervously, "So your friends of my little sister?" Ben stepped forward and smiled "I am, Im about her age but since im higher in edication im heading up to the university too. These are my friends."  I nodded and bite my lip, "So whats our next move?" I look back at Jack. 


I nearly laugh everytime Raven called me Ottic, but I had to fight back a hard laugh whenever she gave Jack a look like Dont come near me cause I think your a weirdo look. "So whats our next move?" She asked Jack still giving him the look. I laugh to myself, Jack laughed alittle "We are taking a gas brake right now but if your hungry we can get you something." Raven nodded "Um..I gotta tinkle, Can you get me a hot cup of black coffee and maybe a um...a whatever to eat it doesnt matter." She turned away from Jack and smiled at us alittle. Shes nervouse I can tell..."Ya sure, I can get you that." I knew she wanted me to get it and not Jack. She nodded and walked slowly to the gas station looking over her shoulder once and awhile. I pulled the pump up to the car and laughed at Jack. "Even now shes nervouse around you." Jack glared at me and shook his head, he pushed the bike up on the other side of my pump, "So you ever going to tell us what happen to her memory and more importainly her immortality?" Ben grumpled at the smell of gas while I started to walk to the gas station. "Ill tell you tonight once we get to a motel." they both were about to object but I glared at them and flashed my so called mad face. I enter the station and I looked around, I filled a cup of coffee for me and Raven. Although I think the taste is bitter I figured most male humans drink it so I might as well. I grabbed a few candy bars and chips, I walked up to the check out and looked around. The checkout person was no were to be seen. I waited and tapped the table as my ring kept tapping. I sighed and looked at Jack and Ben talking to themself outside. I was started to get pissed, I started hitting the bell waiting. I heard a male voice hiss in anger "Ill be there in a moment sir!" I growled when I heard crying and a scream. "Ottic help me!" I jumped over the counter and ran to the backroom. Raven was on the ground with her eyes puffy with tears as the male forced himself inside her. I grabbed the green haired freak off of Raven, I punched him with my free hand till his face was no longer formed right. Raven sat still, still crying. I dropped the man and spit on him before walking over to Raven. I picked her up slowly and I grabbed her pants and underwear. "Its okay..." I brought her to the ladys restroom and set her on her feet, her legs wobbled like she forgot how to walk, tears still dropping like rain. She gribbed my jacket for support. "T..thank you."
Her voice was weak from crying and screaming. My face still red with anger, I didnt just want to make that man faint I wanted him dead.  Raven walked into a stale and started to go to the bathroom, "Um...Ottic. Theres no paper..." I laughed lightly and walked into the next stale and grabbed the paper and pulled my arm to the other side to Raven. She whispered a thank you. what seemed like forever she walked out. Tears drying on her pale face. She walked over to the sink and washed her hands and splashed her face, She grabbed a towel and whipped her face and makeup off. I grabbed her shoulder and covered her eyes while we passed the guy still on the ground. "Go outside and get in the car Ill be out soon." She nodded and slowly walked outside greeted by Jack and Ben. She ignored them and stepped into my car. I growled and waved Ben and Jack in. "We have someone to kill, hes in the back. He raped Raven. I would get blood on my hands but im going to pay this and met Raven back outside. Clean yourselfs up good cause we dont want her to freak out okay?" both nodded their faces red like mine was. "Lets go kill this freak." Ben high fived Jack as they went into the back. I scanned the food and I payed for the gas as well as the food. I walked out and Raven was curled up asleep once more. I shook her slowly "Heres your coffee. I didnt know what type of candy bar you like so I grabbed one of each." Raven smiled and drank her coffee. "Thanks." she whispered again her voice still raw. "We going to head to a motel and rest, after this im sure you want to rest. in the morning we will make it just in time for sighing in." Raven nodded again and took another sip.                                                                                                                                              Raven was shivering alittle and I turned up the heat, She looked over at me with a thank you smile. She nibbled on her lip wondering if she should ask me something. My heart flew everytime she would look at me when she thought I didnt notice. "Um...Ottic. You wont tell the others what happened back there will you?" I looked at for a moment and frowned "I will never tell anyone. That bastered deserves to die for what he did to you Raven." She laughed alittle "Well thats one way to put it." Her face turned for sobs to hard to warming. Her emotions where all over the place, I blame it on her wolf missing.  Jack passed us with a wave and smile, Ben pulled up behind us. "I think they want to race." I looked at Raven and she narrowed her brow and looking around. "Alright. This highway seems empty enough...but you should put your set belt on." I glace at Raven as she clicks her set belt in. I shook my head and rawred my engine, Ben replyed and Jack did a wheely. We all pulled to the side of the road. I got out and laughed. "You boys ready to get your ass handed too you?" Jack laughed "Good luck on that, Ill be so far ahead in this bad girl you guys will cry." Ben bite his lip, "You are going to put a invisible spell on us right? so no cops will see?" He whispered. I nodded and His eyes flared with energy. "Well gentlemen lets put some money on the table. The first to the motel does not have to pay for anything! the looser will have to pay for all four of us." I nodded and pulled my hand out as Jack and Ben did the same. We put our hands together with a loud clap. I ran back into the car, Jack hoped on his bike and Ben pulled his top down.  "Lets do this Ottic!" I laughed at Ravens high picked thrill voice. I pulled up beside Ben and Jack. Both on each side. Telepathicly I started the count down. 3...2...1... My tired did a 50 ft burn out, Ben fell in 1st Jack in 2nd and us in 3rd. "Um Ottic, This is not a joy ride." I glace at Raven and grinned widely. "How fast do you want it Raven?" Her eyes light up. "Punch her in the gut!" She threw her head back laughing as I pressed down on the gas, Raven turned on the stero and pulled a cd out of the compartment. "Eagles?" I nodded keeping my eyes on the road. After Raven found the song she wanted I rolled the windows down as she put it on full blast. Raven looked at me and pointed while she sang along to Life in the fast lane. I laugh when we pulled into the motel in first place. The song died out and Ravens voice sounded raw "That was a rush...we should do that more often Otty." she playful punched me in the arm.                                                                                                                                  Jack pulled out his credit card grumpling, "It was the song that got me in last..." I rolled my eyes. "Sir, There is only three motel rooms left. Im sorry." I glace at the check in lady. Her faced all peiced up and tattoo ran everywhere. Her contacts making her eyes look purple, she looked at Jack and Ben and Me with lust. Jack rubbed the back of his neck, He handed Raven a key and gave Ben the other. He went to hand me one but Raven spoke so fast it was almost hard to catch, "Its okay Otty will share a room with me..." Jack nodded and grabbed his bags, Ben grabbed his "Um there wifi here?" The peiced up tattoo lady smiled and nodded. Ben ran to his motel faster than a dog after a bisket. I grabbed Ravens bags and mine as we made our way to her motel, Silence creeped up on us. Raven slowly opened the door and turned the lights on, "So its not a five star motel...more like a three." I laughed and nodded, The bed looked like it was the only thing that was welcoming everything else looked like it belonged to a hard screemo band. Raven set her bag on the bed. "I call the shower first." I nodded and grabbed a pellow and blanket and set it on the floor. She went into the bathroom, she turned around to close the door and she watched me set myself down on the ground. Saddness was showing in her eyes but she didnt say anything. The shower turned out, quickly I took off my cloths and threw on some boxers and curled up on the floor into a somewhat ackward ball. 

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