Chapter 1

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"Come in!" A deep voice was heard as Everest and Juniper knocked on the headmaster's office door.
They nervously and cautiously opened the door, peeking in.
"Ah! Juniper and Everest! Come in come in! Have a seat!" The man excitedly says, welcoming them in his office. The two girls awkwardly sat down, obviously nervous as hell.
"So! I watched the videos that Juniper sent, and I have to say, you girls really have talent. You girls were so spectacular! With that being said, I would really love for you guys to be apart of the Julliard School community, how about that?" The man, known as Pete Coleman, excitedly stated. The two girls were in shock. They had their mouths agape, completely forgetting that they were in front of the headmaster. Pete laughed and their reactions. "So? What do you girls say?" He asks. The two girls excitedly nod, not being able to speak out of shock. "That's great! Here," Pete says pulling out two pieces of paper. "Please sign up for the classes you would like to take, I'll see what I can do." Pete smiles, handing them the paper.
Everest scanned through the paper.
Julliard School Sign-Up
"Wow" she said, not believing this to be true. It was finally happening! She was going to be attending her dream school!
Everest and Juniper started to fill out the forms with excited expressions.

Name: Everest Beckett
Date: August 27, 2018
Birthday: April 12, 2000
Height: 5'6
Jazz Band
Marching Band ✔️
Symphony Orchestra
Concert Orchestra
Class Times:
Morning; 8:00am-9:10am,
                   10:00am-11:10am ✔️
Afternoon; 1:30pm-2:40pm, ✔️

Juniper looked at her form excitedly, glancing at Everest's, seeing as she's already almost done with it already. Her eyes widened and she wrote her name down.

Name: Juniper Castellano
Date: August 27, 2018
Birthday: November 27, 2000
Height: 5'8
Jazz Band
Marching Band
Symphony Orchestra
Concert Orchestra
Class Times:
Morning; 8:00am-9:10am
                   10:00am-11:10am ✔️
Afternoon; 1:30pm-2:40pm

The two girls handed Pete their forms as they were done with them. "Thank you! I'm excited to have you guys as part of the Julliard School community! You're schedules should be finished in about 5 days, you'll get them in the mail. Classes begin on September 4, 2018." Pete explains.
The girls excitedly says thank you and heads out the door.
"Oh my god!" Juniper squeals, not believing what just happened. "I'm so excited!" Everest says jumping up and down.
"What classes did you sign up for?" Juniper asks, heading down the stairs. "I signed up for marching band, vocal and dance." Everest says, being sure not to trip down the stairs. "You didn't join orchestra? But you love orchestra, not to mention you're hella good at that viola." Juniper says a bit surprised. "Well yeah, but I didn't want to have 4 classes! Plus, I also really wanted to take dance classes when I was younger, but I just didn't have the time to go, so this is my chance!" Everest explained. "That's true I guess, I signed up for vocal and dance." Juniper explains to her friend. "I hope we get put into the same classes together!" Everest says. "Oh my god same, the teachers will hate us if we're put near each other." Juniper laughed, Everest joining along.

They made their way back down to the lobby. "Bye ladies! Have a good day!" Tiffany, the woman at the counter says with a smile. "Thank you! You too!" Everest says. Juniper does the same. Before the girls could step out of the main entrance, a guy walks up to them. Everest recognizes him as the cute guy from earlier. "Hey! Are you guys new here?" The man asked them. "We just got accepted here like a minute ago!" Juniper laughed. Everest chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Well welcome to Julliard! I'm Mr. Glover, or you can call me Arthur. I'm an assistant band director here!" He says, mainly to Everest, since his interest is mainly upon her. "Oh yeah she signed up for marching band just now! I assume you're a director for marching band because of your uniform, right?" Juniper says, slightly narrowing his eyes at him. This guy isn't hitting on her...right? Juniper thought to herself. "Yeah! I'm a director for marching band! I hope to see you soon then!" He smiles at Everest, who nervously smiles. "Hahaaaaaa, um well we have to go now, I guess we'll see you soon." Juniper fake smiles before dragging Everest away.

"What was that about?" Everest said. "What do you mean?" Juniper says, acting clueless. "Why'd you drag me out, he was nice." Everest replied. "Girl, he looked like a creep to me. How old even is he?" Juniper says. "Hey! To be fairly honest, I thought he was pretty cute...he's probably in like his 20's...." Everest trails off, smiling. Juniper notices this and smacked her friend's arm. "No Everest no no no, he could be 50 for all we know!" Juniper explains.
Everest groaned. "Come on! You always do this! Im gonna be careful and you know that, we literally just met him today." Everest explains.
"Hmmm whatever floats your boat girly, but I swear if he lays a hand on you and I will chop his di-" Everest cuts her friend off. "Okaaaaay too far!" Everest laughed. Juniper chuckled, focusing on the road back to their house.

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