Break Me

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Claire, Evelyn, and Brian were the first to make it to the library. Claire and Evelyn both sat down next to each other on the first row, Brian behind them. Andrew came next. He walked over to Evelyn and gestured to the chair next to her, asking if he could sit down.

"Sure" She spoke quietly.

Andrew placed his lunch bag down on the floor and sat down.

John walked in, messing with the principal's desk. He grabbed a notepad from the table and placed it in his pockets. John looked up and spotted Evelyn. "Finally a friend with me this time!" He smiled walking over to her. "Great to see you too John" Evelyn spoke, fist bumping him. John walked away and eyed Brian, telling him to leave his seat. Brian nodded, and took a chair at the opposite table. John sat down and grabbed another chair to rest his feet on.

Allison quickly walked to a chair all the way in the back behind Brian. She placed her stuff down, before looking at her left, not facing everyone else. Andrew glanced at Evelyn, snickering. Evelyn rolled her eyes playfully.

Vernon, the principal walked in, gazing at the students. "Well, well. Here we are. I wanna congratulate you for being on time, especially you, Miss Gold, probably the first time you weren't late" He spoke, eyeing Evelyn. She put on a fake smile.

"I just wanted to see you again, Ricard".

Andrew chuckled slightly at her words. "Hey! Its Principle Vernon!" He snapped.

"Yeah, sure" Evelyn scoffed.

Claire raised her hand before speaking, "Excuse me, sir? I think there's been a mistake. I know it's dentition but, um, I don't think I belong here". Vernon looked at his watch. "It is now 7:06, you have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you're here. Ponder the error of your ways".

John spit in the air and caught it in his mouth. Claire gasped, watching in disgust.

"You may not talk" Vernon pointed at her.

Brian tried changing to the seat next to him but stopped as Vernon said, "You will not move from these seats".

"And you..." Vernon started, looking at John. "Will not sleep". He says, pulling the chair out from under John's feet. "Alright, people, we're gonna try something a little different today" The principal spoke, carrying six pieces of paper.

"We are going to write an essay... of no less than a thousand words..."-He passed them to each person-"Describing to me who you think you are".

"Is this a test?" John asked.

"And when I say essay, I mean essay" Vernon ignored him. John just stared and placed his feet on top of the table.

"I do not mean a single word, repeated a thousand times. Is that clear, Mr. Bender and Miss Gold?" Vernon spoke.

"Crystal" John responded.

"I couldn't care less, but okay" Evelyn agreed.

"Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourselves" Vernon added. "Maybe you'll even deicide whether or not you care to return" The principal said. 

Brian raised his hand, before standing up. "Uh, I can answer that right now, sir. That'd be a no for me, 'cause..." Brian was cut off by Vernon.

"Sit down, Johnson".

"Thank you, sir" Brian spoke, sitting back down.

"My office is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill-advised. Any questions?" Vernon asked. He was about to leave when no one spoke but John stopped him. "Yeah. I got a question. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?".

Evelyn bit her lower lip, stopping herself from smiling.

"I'll give you the answer to that question, Mr. Bender, next Saturday" Vernon replied.

"Don't mess with the bull, young man, you'll get the horns" Vernon walked away.

"That man is a brownie hound" John stated.

Andrew unbuttoned his jock jacket, letting some air in. Then there was this clicking sound. It kept on continuing. Everyone noticed since it was quiet and that was the only sound.

They turned around to the direction it was coming from. Allison was cutting her nails with her mouth, she stopped as she noticed everyone looking at her.

"You keep eating your hand, you're not going to be hungry for lunch" John joked.

Allison spit out her fingernail to him.

"I've seen you before you know" John stopped talking as Vernon peaked through the door to look at them before going back to his work. "Who I think I am. Who are you?" Brian uttered under his breath. He stuck his pen in his mouth.

"I am a walrus" Brian joked.

John stared at him. Brian looked at him before stopping what he was doing. "Hey, Dork" Evelyn turned to face him.


"Are you okay?" She asked softly, fake pouting.

Andrew had an amused look on his face.

"Oh, yeah. I'm okay" He chuckled nervously, embarrassed.

Both John and Brian went to take off their jackets but John shot Brian a death glare and he quickly put his jacket back on and John took his the rest of the way off.

Evelyn huffed before staring to write. Andrew looked at her paper to see the words: I am a hood. "You're no hood" Andrew gazed at her.

"Yeah I am" Evelyn responded.  Andrew shook his head, disagreeing.

"Break me" Evelyn scoffed, daring him to prove it.

"I will" Andrew nodded.

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